Dec 22, 2019

Rieu's Christmas Concerts Taste Like More

André Rieu's Christmas Concerts Taste Like More
Even international visitors were spotted in the MECC in Maastricht

Chapeau Magazine, by Jo Cortenraedt-Dec 21, 2019
The expectation was that the first series of three Christmas concerts in the MECC in Maastricht would in primarily attract visitors from the region and the rest of the Benelux. After all, a new concept, and with the experience of the Vrijthof concert shows where first the people from the region came to look curiously and that fans from the rest of the world would connect and come later over the years.

But it is true that indeed there were particularly more Limburgers, Dutch and Belgians in general on the first night of the three concerts in the MECC. But there were also already a striking number of visitors from, for example, England. We also spoke to guests from Barcelona who had never been to Maastricht and who had now come to travel here specially. And even South American fans - among other from Chile - had just boarded an airplane just before Christmas.

André Rieu's  worldwide fame immediately creates a great deal of interest. The maestro himself was very relieved after the first concert. "You have it all in your head, but it must also become a reality like that," he said immediately afterwards."I noticed right away that the audience was impressed by the decor. We invested a lot of time in that and left nothing to chance. We now hope to make this a tradition in the coming years and then earn back some of our substantial investments."

For son Pierre Rieu it was proof that good acoustics can indeed be brought into the MECC, as long as they are done professionally. "All sorts of concert organizations have already come to see how we have did that, so I do expect something from that."

With a lot of dancers and skaters, Christmas trees and digital Christmas decorations, the Christmas atmosphere developed well. Especially when 'snow' gently drizzled on the audience. A highlight in the atmosphere was an infectious gospel choir from Paris that with the Johan Strauss Orchestra along with turned the MECC upside down.

The 11,000 spectators per night, went home satisfied. Some even preferred the MECC to the Vrijthof because of the exceptional atmosphere. "And it was just as warm there then it was outside in the summer."

Thanks to Ineke for the article and John's translation


  1. Un grand succès pour les concerts de Noël à Maastricht, le talent et le professionnalisme d'André et son équipe font que le public du monde entier apprécie. Espérons que ces concerts deviendront une tradition annuelle tout comme ceux du Vrijthof en juillet et espérons aussi qu'il y aura un DVD pour le plus grand plaisir de ceux qui ne pouvaient pas être présents. Bravo Maestro ! Francine.

  2. I thought these concerts were fabulous I want to come next year too. We had such fun.Thank you for a fantastic time❤️��
