Jan 18, 2020

Prince Colin I (Falize) of the Bokkeriejesj

Prince Colin I (Falize) of the Bokkeriejesj (Billy-goat riders) from Heerlerheide (Limburg) plays the Boléro during André Rieu's world tour.

De Limburger, January 10, 2020 by Siebrand Vos - These are busy  days for the brand new Prince and we ask him everything. Today: Colin I (Falize) (23) from De Bokkeriejesj (Billy-goat riders) from Heerlerheide, a town in Limburg.

The Prince of the Carnival's Association The Billy-goat Riders is always lured first to a secret location in Heerlerheide. Can you tell us something about that?

"My parents had perfectly prepared it in secret with the Princes' Committee. When I opened the door there, I literally fell in due to a stile, which was actually placed there for this effect. Furthermore, I am not allowed to say anything about it because this location could be used again next year. In Heerlerheide it is still a competition to guess as to who the new Prince will be - that says something about how lively carnival is here".

The new Prince hails from a family of percussion instrument players and professional musicians. You're no exception are you?

"No, I am in the final year at the Pop Academy in Enschede (town in Holland) as a drummer. My father and brothers are classically trained. I'm a little bit in between. I am a part time-on-call employee with André Rieu, where as my father Marcel and brother Glenn are in permanent employment. Playing with Rieu just because of the entourage, is a fantastic experience. During the upcoming world tour the four of us (my middle brother Dean is also participating - are playing  the Boléro by Ravel, at the front of the stage. Earlier my father Marcel Falize did that alone”.

Does Colin I also play drums with a brass band?

"No. Only with the band “Jachthoorn and Trompetterkorps Edelweiss” (hunting horn and trumpet corps Edelweiss) and the orchestra “Lift-Off Percussion & Entertainment”.  And also with the Tyrolean music band “Tiroler Ohne Berge” (Tirolers without Mountains), with which we also played during the exclamation. With “Edelweiss” we always participate in the procession of Groeët Ghen Heij. That is one of the largest processions in the region. For me the upcoming procession will be very special, because I am a genuine boy from Heerlerheide. The procession goes from Heerlerheide to Nieuw Einde and then back via Heksenberg. Just imagine: I was born and raised in Nieuw Einde, now I live in Heerlerheide and I rehearse in Heksenberg. Everywhere there are acquaintances.”

Thank You Ineke for the article and your and John's Translation


  1. So pleased for you Colin, enjoy the experience & wishing you Good Luck in all your performances.

  2. Félicitations à Colin pour cette distinction, et bravo aussi pour ses performances au sein de l'orchestre d'André avec son père et ses frères, une famille de talentueux musiciens pour le plus grand bonheur de tout le public du JSO! Bonne continuation à tous. Francine .

  3. In 2003 I saw the concert in Waltbuhne in Berlin. All three Falize boys were there and played the xylophone. At the time they were stil small and the two youngest entered the stage with different size step stools so the would be tall enough to reach the instrument. It was so cute. Fun to see them all grown now. Colin is 23 now so he was six at that time.
