Jun 18, 2020

André Rieu on The Passing of Vera Lynn

André Rieu: "After one second, I recognize the voice of Vera Lynn"

Vera Lynn (center) with André Rieu (left) and his son Pierre. Photo: André Rieu group
"De Limburger" by Dennis Jansen

When André Rieu plays Vera Lynn's "We'll meet again" on his violin in England, the ending is every time. emotional. "Then everyone stands up and sings along. I also get tears in my eyes from that."

In August 2013, André Rieu visited Vera Lynn in her hometown of Ditchling in the south of England. “We would liked to have had her as a guest at the veteran concerts in Maastricht. We tried, but she did not travel any more. She did watch my concerts on television, she said. An honor for me.”

"A Fantastic Person"
Years earlier he had approached her to sing at a concert he performed in England. She stopped singing, but they still connected. He was honored to be able to visit her. "A fantastic person and great artist, someone who stood on stages all over the world and comforted so many people. She could tell that so beautifully. She was 96 then when I was with her, but it wasn't just any old lady I had in front of me. No, she walked with a walker, but didn't like it. A proud, strong woman.”

Rieu describes Vera Lynn as a "strong personality". "Who could sing so softly and veiled. With a beautiful vibrato. Her voice was unique. After one second I already recognized her: that is Vera Lynn. An icon who is no longer amongst us.”

With every concert André Rieu plays "We'll Meet Again". "When we started performing in England, some ten or twelve years ago, I started to play that for the first time. In England that is always at the end of the concert. The entire crowd then stands up and starts singing. So emotional. I always get tears in my eyes. She made that song great. Until the end of time I will continue to play " We'll meet again.” 
Thanks to John for The Translation

1 comment:

  1. Quel magnifique article ! André rend hommage à cette immense artiste qu'était Dame Véra Lynn et il le fait avec tellement d'émotion Bravo et merci à lui pour tous ces inoubliables concerts à travers le monde ! Depuis la France, une indéfectible admiratrice, Francine.
