Jul 5, 2020

André Rieu Fears For The Survival of His Orchestra

André Rieu Fears For The Survival of His Orchestra

By Jo Cordenradt 1LIMBURG,

Concerts with the one and a half meter (5feet) rule are for André Rieu impossible. If that rule still applies next year, it will be curtains for him. Normally, the Maastricht stand-alone violinist conducts 12 concerts on the Vrijthof in July, but they have all been canceled due to corona.

Lost year

In the fall there are concerts on the agenda for England, Croatia and Israel. But it is still uncertain whether they will take place. No decisions have been made about the Christmas concerts in the MECC in Maastricht. "But under the current circumstances I am still somewhat hard-headed about it, " says the world-famous violinist. " It's going to be difficult with 12,000 people in a covered area. With face masks and gloves it may still be possible, but with a distance of a meter and a half (five feet) it will be impossible. I can't play for a handful of people with all the fixed and production costs."  Rieu considers this year a lost year.


For the survival of his company with 136 permanent employees, it is essential for André Rieu to be able to perform live concerts again next year, including on the Vrijthof in Maastricht. "We have done well in recent years, so we can survive it for a while. In addition, the government support measures also help. But if we still cannot perform next year, then I fear that we may have to close. But that also applies to a lot of festivals, orchestras and cultural organizations. "


He is aiming his sights on 2021. "I don't know if there will be a vaccine, maybe a medicine. Or maybe the strength of the virus will have diminished. Something has to be done, we need to get going again. If people can already sit next to each other in a plane with a mask, so then it should also be possible on the Vrijthof, without that one and a half meters (five feet) distance. Another year without performing, is something that we as a business cannot survive. But I remain optimistic that it will be possible again in 2021."

The orchestra leader recently gave an extensive interview to L1. In the coming week, that extensive interview will be broadcast on L1 in five parts from Monday to Friday.

Thanks to Ruth and Mieke for this article and John's translation.


  1. thank for this report it keeps us in touch not a day goes by without Andfrre and his music in our lives We all feel the pain but with prayer and hope in our dauly lives I am sure things will soon be back to normal maybe a times to reflect on the vaalue of life a fan from many years and several concerts agoMona Stringer

    1. Thank you so much for this very informative news! I will pray that 2021 will be a good year for all of us, but especially so we can enjoy the music of Andre and the JSO! Blessings to all of you and please stay safe, healthy, and I hope to see you some time next year!🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶❤

    2. Dear Andre and Strauss Orchestra.
      Born in Heerlen and lived in Brunssum Limburg. Immigrated in 1988 Saskatchewan Canada.
      Every day listening and seeing your music as a "food" recipe for live !
      Cannot get enough.
      Born October 7 1949.
      All those shows,particularly
      In Maastricht make me often homesick to Limburg mien land.
      Thanks for all those music and the entertainment what comes along with it. Got 50 dvd's and more cd's.
      Houd er de moed maar in van je hela hola. Heb veel goede memories van Maastricht.
      Mijn vrouw is van Munsterbilzen.
      Will pray that you (Gods geschenk) can keep going on.
      Theodorus Poelen
      Love from Lumsden Saskatchewan
