Jul 11, 2020

André Rieu With Cinema Events

André Rieu With Cinema Events

From broadcasting station MAX's TV guide, by Eric van OnnaSince the traditional summer concerts by André Rieu on the Maastricht Vrijthof Square have been canceled, his team is working on a special event, exclusively for the cinemas. Now that fans can no longer go to Maastricht, André is bringing  Maastricht to the cinema. With the most beautiful moments of the Vrijthof from the past fifteen years presented by none other than André van Duin. The cinema event will take place on August 20th and can be seen for two weeks all over the country.

That cinema event is like rowing with the oars you have.
"It is, but it is a wonderful project for the cinemas in which the visitors, just like on the Vrijthof, can sing enthusiastically along and dance."

Do you lie awake now that you can't give concerts right now?
"No, I do not lie awake, because I also know that this will last for a long time."  

 You are responsible for 136 people who you have in permanent employment.
 "These people are already a great part of my life and together we already have experienced a lot together, good times and bad times. And about that responsibility: "I am an entrepreneur, and I'm there for them."

Do you have any long-term plans?
"I can't plan anything; that one and a half meters, I can't do a thing with that. I can't play just a little bit. My shows are great and compelling. When things are done half way, that doesn't work."

Will we see you perform again for crowded halls and bulging stadiums
"Oh yes, and it will happen sooner than you think. If no new contamination peaks arise, then is it going to be okay." The virus shows how vulnerable we as humans are." Yes and how!. Our entire life is nowadays fragile. Not only corona, but look at all those serious hacking attempts. If there soon happens to be a large power plant hack, then Europe or even the world will be without  power then you'll see what will happen."

Does music give you comfort during this period ??
"Oh yes, I live for the music."

"I say: we forget this year and afterwards we again go happily along"

So I shouldn't come to you with a question like: ever thought about stopping?
"No, I wouldn't do that, haha. I say, "We forget this year and then we again go happily along. I'm seventy now, me - I will be 140, so we're still going seventy years."

Why won't you try for eternal life?
"I'm just too old for that. But I happened to read something recently about the British researcher Aubrey de Gray, who says the man or woman who will become a thousand years old on earth is already walking around."

Are you aware of your own vulnerability?
"No, not at all, otherwise it could not be living the way I live now. I exercise three times a week. And then it is just not a little walk but heavy strength training with a personal coach. I now managed to get three quarters of my orchestra into sports. I didn't have to force any of them into it, but my personal coach goes everywhere with us. My orchestra members saw that and a lot of people then thought:" I'm going to do that too."

Do you now during this time have more time for other things?
"Our last concert was 18 March in America and then we had to head home head over heels. From that moment on I now bake cakes every day. I am now a baker."

Do we now have a new candidate for "All of the Netherlands bakes?
"Well no, but you know, baking is a very very positive thing. Of course I do not eat all those cakes myself. Fortunately, the grandchildren live fifty meters away from me and the neighbors enjoy them too."

What is your favorite cake?
"Paris Brest is my favorite. The base is choux pastry filled with praline cream. "

What are your dreams?
"My main dream is that we can quickly again make music, travel around the world to make people happy again."

Are you a dreamer or someone who wants to get to the heart of the matter very quickly?
"Originally I am a dreamer, but now my company is so big that I can no longer dream alone. But I'm still someone who first does and then only thinks: what does it cost?"

You just said you want to become 140 years old, but how long will you be performing?
"Well, that is what I said. Until I reach 140!"

Are you serious about that?
"Yes, I am very serious about that."

Soon the world will be corona free, which will be the first stadium you want to see, packed with very enthusiastic and dancing fans?
"The very first thing I am going to do here is walk on the streets in Maastricht and hug everyone. I find it so sad, that rotten one and a half meters, that's so unnatural."

Thanks To John For His Translation and Ineke For The Article


  1. I wish a speed quickly to better time!

  2. Ich habe gehört,das in den Niederlanden keine Masken Pflicht in den Geschäften bestehT!Ist das richtig?In Deutschland ist es Pflicht in den Geschäften eine Maske zu tragen!
