Sep 15, 2020

Hope Lets André Rieu Live

Hope Lets André Rieu Live

de Telegraaf by Evert Santegoeds.

While ANDRÉ RIEU still has to fight a long battle in his Maastricht to get some extra concerts at the Vrijthof next year, there are also some bright spots in sight. A remarkable advertisement appeared in the German newspaper "Der Bild"  this week. In it, the start of Rieu's new tour with his Johann Strauss Orchestra was announced.

André Rieu cannot wait to return to his familiar stage.

On January 8, Dutch fans of ANDRÉ RIEU's (70) music can again indulge themselves. Not too far across the border, in Cologne, the first concert will again take place. That same month, major German cities like Hanover, Kiel, Rostock, Magdeburg, Nuremberg, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Munich, Dortmund, Frankfurt and Berlin will follow with concerts. And Rieu and his orchestra will again tour this country in May .

In recent months, since the musicians discontinued their tour through America and returned heads over heels to the Netherlands, their work has come to a complete standstill. Rieu was confronted with a loss of millions, since the famous Vrijthof events were completely canceled. With government assistance he was able to stay afloat.

"Hope gives life", says son and manager PIERRE RIEU when PRIVÉ inquired about the German plans. “We also take into consideration that these events by then may not continue. But for now, ticket sales have started well, and we assume that full halls by then will be allowed again, until we hear otherwise. The first concerts would then take place in Germany. ”

The audience is clearly looking forward to the repertoire of the Strauss family and the Limburg violinist who continues to honors Strauss. Highlights of his Vrijthof concerts can now be seen in cinemas. Pierre: "We will let those performances continue for a while. We are now at fifty percent of last year's attendance figures in the cinemas, which we do not think are too bad at this time due to all the limitations.”

On 6 October, the Maastricht the city council will consider the violinist's request to be allowed to perform not twelve, but twenty concerts in 2021 on the most famous square in the south. The PvdA(Political Party) in particular is being obstructive. They argue that the local residents will experience too much of a nuisance from all the events. Residents who are thinking along the way of the  violinist have started a petition to support the world star. Neighborhood network "Binnenstad" proposes a one-time relocation of the yearly fair to make room for more Rieu evenings.

 Thanks to John for his Translation and Ineke for the article 


  1. C'est une bonne nouvelle que les concerts d'André puissent reprendre dès janvier 2021. Espèrons que tout rentre dans l'ordre très vite afin que tous les concerts soient donnés, surtout sur le Vrijthof qui tient beaucoup à coeur à André . Dommage que la politique s'en mèle avec ce parti qui s'oppose à l'ajout de concerts supplémentaires. Je soutiens tout à fait André dans ce projet et j'espère qu'il sera entendu dans cette démarche. Courage Maestro, le public est avec toi. Amitiés de France. Francine .

  2. Andre has a great deal of support from his fans, he'll make it thru and be on top again!
