Sep 9, 2020

Proposal: Extra Days For Rieu on The Maastricht Vrijthof in 2021

 Proposal: Extra Days For André Rieu and Magical Maastricht on The Vrijthof in 2021

André Rieu's one hundredth Vrijthof Concert on July 21, 2019.

Photo: Mitchell Giebels' archive

de Limburger by Annelies Hendrikx: The 60-day norm for events on the Vrijthof in Maastricht will for one-time be expanded  to 71 in 2021. André Rieu and his Magical Maastricht are the lucky ones.

André Rieu will be allowed to increase the number of concerts on the square from Twelve to Twenty ... 


The council of mayor and aldermen announced a council proposal to that effect, which will be discussed in the council meeting on 6 October. The 60-day standard is set in the 2016-2020 events policy and in the associated events regulation. The one-time extension of the number of days is the authority of the city council.


"Rieu in particular is forced to provide more performances in order to limit the economic damage to his company as a result of the corona crisis", writes alderman John Aarts in a council information letter. The economic impact of the crisis is very tangible and enormous for the organizers of events, says Aarts. "Also because of the effects on employment in retail, the hotel and catering industry and suppliers, is it desirable to organize more activities and events in 2021 on a one-time basis."

The councilor emphasizes that the safety and health of the residents remain paramount. “That is why events, and therefore the expansion thereof, can only continue if the corona measures allow for it. In doing so, the municipality follows the advice of the State and the Security Region. If they don't offer this space, the events will of course not take place at all. ”

Not happy

During a meeting last week between Aarts and the mayor on one side and inner-city residents and entrepreneurs on the other, residents in particular showed that the risks - even in a post-corona period - are too great, says a municipal spokesperson. The entrepreneurs are in favor; the residents are far from happy with the expansion. They stated in a letter to the city council that the actual number of days that the Vrijthof will be occupied in 2021 according to this proposal will be many times higher than 71.

"Not considered are city-wide events such as carnival, events that take up less than half of the square (such as Het Parcours) and André Rieu's" in-between days "(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)." If these are included, as well as the construction and dismantling days of events, the residents come up to 193 days of occupation of the Vrijthof for 2021."

Thanks to John for the article and his translation


1 comment:

  1. Dommage pour André. Espèrons vraiment que cette crise soit derrière nous très vite et qu'André puisse donner tous les concerts qu'il souhaite . Son public attend ça . Courage Maestro. Amitiés de France. Francine.
