Nov 29, 2020

A Dance of Joy After The News About a Corona Vaccine

A Dance of Joy After The News

 About a Corona Vaccine

"de Limburger" - He danced for joy in the centuries-old Huis de Torentjes in Maastricht, where André Rieu lives with his wife Marjorie. “I am very happy that there will be a vaccine soon, fantastic! That's what the whole world is waiting for. It means that the normal, wonderful life is coming back. As soon as it is my turn to be vaccinated, I will be ready! ”

The vaccine offers hope that concerts can take place again next year. And that André Rieu can go out into the world with his orchestra "to make people happy". “It is a difficult time for everyone, including musicians and other artists who have been home for months. The Johann Strauss Orchestra has been around for 32 years and we have never been away from each other for longer than a few weeks of summer vacation. ”

Rieu is “very grateful” for the government's financial support, he says. "Otherwise we would not have managed to keep our company afloat with 120 permanent employees," he reports. The world-famous violinist and orchestra leader made it through the concert less corona period studying (violin), cooking, baking and sports. And thinking about new shows: "I already have the program for new world tours in my head and I can't wait until I can go back to the stage with my orchestra and soloists." For Christmas he has come up with something new - in addition to the release of the box CD / DVD "Jolly Holiday." 

He does not want to say what that is yet. "We will announce that soon."

Thanks to John for the article and translation

1 comment:

  1. C'est une tès bonne nouvelle et comme André, nous espèrons que le vaccin soit bientôt là pour permettre à tous de retrouver une vie normale et aussi les fantastiques concerts qui manquent tant à tout le monde, au Vrijthof ou ailleurs . Je suis bien sûr solidaire du JSO?, ce merveilleux orchestre qui fait rêver la planète entière . Courage Maestro. Amitiés de France. Francine.
