Aug 20, 2021

André Rieu Sells His Golden Carriage


Ride for 100-year-old Marie in golden carriage which her famous son bought from André Rieu

Top entrepreneur and multimillionaire Hennie van der Most bought the sets with which violinist André Rieu with the Johann Strauss Orchestra traveled the world for years for his concerts. The set pieces depict the famous Viennese Schönbrunn Castle.

By Benny Koerhuis, de Stentor

André Rieu was able to build two identical castles, but possession of those was a huge financial drain. Van der Most relieved him of that heavy burden and wants to embellish Wunderland Kalkar with both sets. This afternoon he had Rieu's golden carriage already unpacked for his 100-year-old mother. 

"You can use them to build two castles of 40 meters high and 135 meters wide," says Van der Most, who was born in Slagharen. "It's about two complete sets. For example, when André is performing on one set in Australia, the other was being built up in another metropolis at the same time. Together, those two sets fill up about a hundred containers. Which includes complete lighting installations, a kitchen and fitness room. I can very well use that stuff in my companies.''

Like an anchor

André Rieu - like so many artists - has a hard time keeping his head above water financially, now that performing as a result of the corona pandemic is not or hardly possible. About ten years ago, the Maastricht violinist and orchestra leader was already in trouble by reconstructing Schönbrunn Castle full size as a travelling backdrop. "We had 250 people on the podium, but also 250 to build up that castle every time. There was no money being gained from that. I ended up with a debt of 30 million Euros''' Rieu said in an interview with this newspaper in August last year. Next autumn he hopes to start on a new world tour.

To build near a nuclear power plant

"André is willing to lease his sets, light installation and similar items in the future," van der Most knows to say. "No, not for me." Because the 71-year-old entrepreneur already has a beautiful destination for the imposing-looking but 'flat' castles. "I want to use both sets for Wunderland Kalkar, so that a few ugly facades of that former nuclear power plant are hidden from view. We have already applied for a permit from the municipality.''

The controversial nuclear power plant, which never went into operation, was bought in 1995 for 2.5 million Euros by Van der Most who started the amusement park "Kernwasser Wunderland" with it, which since 2005 is now known as Wunderland Kalkar.

Golden carriage

Before everything is built at the German amusement park, Van der Most brought out the large 'golden carriage' belonging to the décor for his mother's 100th birthday. She took a trip through Slagharen and Schuinesloot, waved to many acquaintances and tourists, and enjoyed the royal ride.

Manager Pierre Rieu, son of the orchestra leader, confirms that Van der Most has bought the colossal sets. "Two months ago, the sale was concluded. For how much I'm not going to say. But how nice that Hennie's mother has driven around in the carriage. During a concert years ago at the Vrijthof, Jan Smit(Dutch entertainer) rode in that carriage between the audience to the stage."

Thanks to Ineke for this article and John's translation


1 comment:

  1. I wish I was lucky enough to attend one of his concerts and coming from so far(USA) would love to meet Andre. Love watching them,love the beautiful dresses the ladies wear,the music is beautiful,so down to earth,they have so much fun. And I must say Andre, you have a very beautiful smile.
