Sep 16, 2021

Rieu Aims For Ten Full Concerts at the MECC For Christmas

 Rieu Aims For Ten Full

 Concerts at The MECC

 For Christmas

1limburg, by Jo Cortenraedt: AndrĂ© Rieu is relieved that now it is allowed to play in front of full venues again, provided that there are allocated places. In December he hopes to welcome 120,000 visitors to ten Christmas concerts in the MECC.

He celebrated the news about the relaxations of restrictions on Wednesday morning with champagne for the entire orchestra in his Maastricht studio.

Lost Millions

"This means that the Christmas concerts in December in MECC Maastricht can continue with a hundred percent occupancy of 12,000 people per evening," says the orchestra leader. "We have an option on a maximum of ten evenings. We haven't been able to play for a year and a half now, that has cost me millions. But I'm happy that we can do it again and everything will be fine again."


Rieu has no problem with the fact that all concertgoers must show a vaccination or test certificate. "I understand that we don't always want to live like that, but this is the only way, for the time being  to get back on track. The fact that almost all corona patients in the hospitals have not been vaccinated says it all."


The Maastricht stand-alone violinist not only expects many visitors from the Netherlands, but also from Belgium, Germany, France and England. He hopes to be able to perform in Vienna with his orchestra before December, where concerts are scheduled for the end of October. "For now, that looks good. Israel was also still on the program, but then you have to quarantine with the whole group when you return. That's going to be difficult."

Thanks to John for the translation

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