Nov 13, 2021

André Rieu Doubtful About His Christmas Concerts In The MECC

 André Rieu Doubtful About His 

Christmas Concerts In The MECC

1Limburg, by Jo Cortenradt, Friday 12 November

André Rieu's Christmas concerts at the MECC in Maastricht may not take place this year.

"We will be considering the situation in the coming week," says the Maastricht orchestra leader. He does not want to draw a definitive line through the concerts yet and wants to keep all options open.


Although the measures announced by the outgoing cabinet initially apply for three weeks, there is still uncertainty about a possible extension. "Based on the new rules, the three concerts cannot take place," says Rieu. The concerts are scheduled for 17, 18 and 19 December.


In 2019 André Rieu started his Christmas concerts at the MECC. He invested a lot in the décor and hoped to be able to earn it back in the following years. But in 2020, the concerts had to be cancelled due to corona.

Thanks John for this quick article.


  1. We are coming from canada for this so we are praying it may go ahead. But safety first. We are holding our breaths for news…
    Linda and Peter, from Alberta Canada.

  2. This news is not good. How much longer we can last without some magic in our lives is not known but, for certain, it can't be much longer. It is not only the situation in the Netherlands but also to situation in our home countries when it comes to the return journey.
    Richard & Sue, south of England
