Mar 31, 2022

André Rieu’s Orchestra Healthy Again

André Rieu’s Orchestra Healthy Again 

Three Were Really Sick

Limburger. By Timo Schmid, March 30, 2022.- André Rieu's dozens of Johann Strauss orchestra members are completely healed. Son Pierre Rieu says that about 40 orchestra members were infected with the corona virus in recent weeks, three of whom were really ill. Due to the corona infections in his team, André Rieu had to decide to cancel his tour in America and Canada.

40 Infections

The three who were really sick, had flu symptoms and were in bed with a fever for 2 to 3 days,” says Pierre. Meanwhile, everyone is healthy and well in the Netherlands again. Some of the orchestra members, because of the corona infection, had to "become well again" in America.

No More Test Evidence

What makes it extra difficult for the world famous Maastricht violinist, is that Canada no longer requires negative tests evidence from travelers as of  1 April 2022. Pierre said: “We all had to test and then suddenly we had 27 positive tests, while no one was bothered by anything. That meant the we could no longer enter Canada,” says Pierre. The concerts in North America will be caught up in September 2023.

Thanks to Ineke for the article and hers and John's translation

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