Apr 26, 2022

André Rieu: "I Would Like for Máxima to Waltz"


At The Theater on The Vrijthof

André Rieu: "I would like for Máxima to waltz"

 De Telegraaf/Privé. By: Harrie Nijen Twilhaar

The "King of the Waltz," André Rieu, will perform for a real King on King's Day in Maastricht! The world-famous orchestra leader hopes that Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will waltz in front of the stage to his musical notes. “I performed for many heads of state and dignitaries, but this is really special in my own city.” André Rieu is once again enjoying the performances he is allowed to give. King's Day in 'his' Maastricht will be a highlight for him.

It is a great honor for André Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra to be able to perform for the royal family on King's Day. It will be the first time in more than two years that the "Waltz King" can show his skills again in his own city.

Three hundred members from different brass bands will meet the bus containing King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima, the princesses and other family members at the Sint Servaas bridge, the oldest bridge in the Netherlands. André Rieu will perform on Onze Lieve Vrouweplein (Our Dear Lady square) about halfway through the route. For him It feels special that he can perform as "Waltz King" for a real King and Queen.

When did you receive the invitation to play for the royal family during King's Day 2022?

“That was a while ago, even before corona threw a wrench in the works. We had received the invitation for this performance already more than two years ago. My orchestra and I consider it a great honor and we are very much looking forward to the concert. King's Day in Maastricht is of course something very special for all of us.”

 Which songs are you going to play?

“On the occasion of King Willem-Alexander's accession to the throne in 2013, we had the honor of performing in front of more than 60,000 people on the Museum square in Amsterdam. We then had a waltz composed especially for the royal couple. Of course we'll be playing that again now.”

How many times have you played for the King and Queen?

This will be the second time for King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima, and for Princess Beatrix we  performed more often while she was still Queen. This took place, for example, in the caves of Valkenburg. I remember well that we were only allowed to play for half an hour. At the end of the concert Beatrix thanked us and said spontaneously that she thought it had been too short. Very funny!"

How special is it for you that the royal family is coming to Maastricht?

“It is of course a great event for our beautiful city. Moreover, it is a great honor that King's Day 2022 is being celebrated in Maastricht. We sometimes have the idea that the South of Limburg dangles a bit, but that feeling will disappear in one go after King's Day!"

Do you have that Orange feeling yourself? Do you follow the Royal House closely?

“Well, I don't follow them closely, but I do follow them with interest. My wife Marjorie and I as post-war children were raised with the royal family. Queen's Day was always an important highlight of the year. You decorated your bike with red-white-blue and orange, my sisters wore orange bows in their hair, and you sang “Orange boven” (Orange on high). A wonderful tradition at the time.”

Are the King and Queen allowed to dance a waltz when you perform?

"Yes, of course, we play a wonderful waltz, especially for the royal couple! I really hope they start dancing in front of the stage, that would be fantastic.”

It means an awful lot for you to perform in your own city anyway, doesn't it?

“On King's Day we don't play on the Vrijthof, but on the slightly smaller, but romantic and intimate Onze Lieve Vrouwe plein (our Dear Lady square). But wherever we play, in the summer on the Vrijthof or before Christmas in the MECC, it is always special to perform in our own city.” "We have been playing on the Vrijthof since 2005! Two years ago for the first time in the MECC  we gave fantastic Christmas concerts. They were so festive that I was convinced they would become a great new tradition, so we were already looking forward to the next performance, but then those concerts also had to be canceled due to corona. But we will definitely continue with them next December!”

You have missed the performances in Maastricht enormously.

“It was sad that they were not allowed to continue for two years. In July 2019, it was the hundredth and for the time being the last concert to be held on the Vrijthof. On that occasion, Mayor Annemarie Penn-te-Strake came on stage during the concert and presented me with a bronze plaque. It has been placed on the Vrijthof and can currently be admired. It was a very emotional moment and I was really blown away! At that time, we didn't know that for the time being,  it  would be the last Vrijthof concert. So I am really looking forward to the wonderful concerts there next summer.”

Have you played for other heads of state or presidents in the world before?

“As mentioned, for the then Queen BEATRIX, and once during the BBC's Royal Variety Performance for Queen ELIZABETH. We played for the former Chancellor of Germany, ANGELA MERKEL, on the occasion of a celebration. All the ladies were enthusiastic about the music! I have received the World Music Award twice in Monaco, in the presence of Prince RAINIER. That was quite an honor!”

The past two years have been "hell" for you and the orchestra because of corona. Can you describe how you feel right now?

"In heaven, ha ha!"

Are you with Marjorie and your sons Pierre and Marc already busy with the preparations for the summer concerts on the Vrijthof?

"Absolutely!!. I was already busy with the Vrijthof program two years ago . That's not a concert where a week in advance you think: "What are we going to do now, guys?'”

Are you going to go the extra mile this year?

“It will be more beautiful and grander than ever. We have a world premiere, namely a performance by a great European male choir with one hundred and fifty singers! For this special occasion, the “Mastreechter Staar” (Male choir from Maastricht) will be complemented by fantastic singers from the opera choirs of Amsterdam, Liège and Aachen. The shivers are already running down my body when I think of what it is going to sound like. This summer it will be a party to remember for the many tens of thousands of fans.”


Thanks to Ineke for this article and hers and John's combined translation

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