Aug 10, 2008

Two Weeks in Holland and Four André Rieu Concerts

Two Weeks in Holland Ending on The Vrijthof in Maastricht
I have written the story of our two weeks in Holland ~ From Amsterdam, to Hoorn, to Maastricht. Including One World Tour Concert in Amsterdam, a visit to The Red Rose Cafe in Hoorn, and Three Open Air Concerts on The Vrijthof in Maastricht. My attemt to keep it short was fruitless, there were too many things to write about over two weeks time, three cities and four concerts.

Here Are The Links to The Story and Photoshow.

♦The Story of Our Two Weeks in Holland

♦My Pictures of Maastricht in A Photoshow

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue!
    Great story, I loved to read it, brought back great memories!
    See you again next year! Some fans reserved their rooms in Hotel DuCasque for the next 6 years! That is what the receptionist told us! My fan dinner list has already 30 fans on!! For 2009!!
