Aug 16, 2008

Photoshows From Fans Around The World of Maastricht 2008

André Singing The Limburg Anthem at Sunday Nights Concert

I'm sorry it's taken so long to get the Photoshows on here of Maastricht. They changed the format though of the photoshow program in the middle of my making them and they wouldn't work right, so I had to start all over again and remake both shows. All seems to be well now with them. I have tried to pick the best of the ones that everyone sent and not have too many duplicates of things. I don't have control over the speed of the shows in the new format they have and at times they seem to go to fast, but they are working on it and it is getting better.

I have made Two Photoshows. One made up of pictures that all the fans sent to me, and a second photoshow of just John's pictures ... Enjoy! ~ Sue :)

Photo by Vasilia


  1. Hi Sue, what a gorgeous photo of the church, stage, audience and sky! I haven't had a chance to see the photos but if this is an indication I am sure they are spectacular! Thanks to all of you who contributed your photos and hopefully I will be contributing mine next year!! Cathy from Boston

  2. Sue, you do such a fantastic job with the photo displays. I can imagine how frustrating it can be with technical issues in the mist of working on the photos but what you do is phenomenal. Thank you so much!


  3. Thank you Sue for the great job you did with the photo show from the fans around the world of Maastricht 2008. For those of us that could not be a part of it, you certainly gave us the opportunity to share in your wealth of photos from not only all your hard work but to the fans who took the photos. Thank you everyone. Hopefully we can all meet in Maastricht in the future and be a part of a wonderful experience as you. NAN from Tampa!

  4. Thanks to everyone who contributed photos! What a great summer of 2008 in Amsterdam & Maastricht! And thanks, Sue, for all the time you put in so that all of us could enjoy all the sights and activities! Hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer - or, winter for those in the southern hemisphere... ~Chris T.
