Jan 15, 2008

January Newsletter From Mirusia's Fan Club

January 2008 Newsletter

Hello to all Mirusia Fans,

To all the fans in Australia – do you have your tickets for the concerts here at the end of this year? I am sure you are all extremely excited about Andre Rieu’s concert tour of several of our capital cities.
It is likely to be the best concert you have ever attended, and especially so because Mirusia will be appearing throughout. What a treat we are going to experience!

Mirusia very much enjoyed the last tour of the year 2007 on the west coast of the U.S.A. She was fortunate enough to have sufficient time to visit Alcatraz. Most times when visiting the many cities they perform in, there just isn’t time enough for sight-seeing.
The concert tour ended in Toronto, Canada, with the Romantic Viennese Night Concert. She really enjoyed being suspended as an Angel, and can’t wait to do it again!

Toronto put on quite a snow storm for the cast and crew , with temperatures as low as – 16C!! Now – that’s cold!

At present Mirusia, along with other JSO member’s, are busy rehearsing for the upcoming tours in Europe.
I hope you have all purchased your copies of Andre’s latest DVD – In Wonderland. It is simply fantastic, and how proud we are of Mirusia’s marvellous performance.

Unfortunately, the proudest of all of Mirusia’s fans, my darling husband Bert, passed away suddenly in November. It was due to this sad event that there hasn’t been a Newsletter for some time.

However, I will now endeavour to carry on with our fan club site in his honour. Bert and I launched this site, along with Mirusia, in the middle of 2007.
I will do my best to add new features as time progresses.

Until next letter, stay healthy and happy,
Best regards from Shirley

*Link To Mirusia's Fan Club


  1. Dear Shirley
    It is lovely to read your Newsletter and especially as you are moving through a very sad period in your life. Hopefully your interest in Mirusia and all things Andre will help you along this path.
    I shall now visit your Mirusia Fan Club site.
    I'm from Brisbane and am quite proud of the fact that we have a representative from our area touring with Andre.She is wonderful!!!
    Yes, I have my ticket for the Brisbane concert and along with all the Aussie Fans am counting the days!!
    Thank you,Shirley,for sharing with us your information about Mirusia.

  2. Dear Shirley,
    We can hardly find words to express our sympathy with you in the heavy blow that has just fallen upon you. I hope Andre's and Mirusia's music can console you in these hard times.
    We love you and we think of you. We'll be in Sydney in Nov. 2008!
    Ruud and Ineke from Holland.

  3. Dear Shirley,
    I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. You are a beautiful couple and will be united again. I pray that Mirusia's beautiful singing and Andre's wonderful music will bring you consolation and peace and once again - happiness. My best of everything to you and my love. Will look forward to the newsletters. Thank you for all you do.

    Jeanine Ann

  4. I have just recently bought Mirusia's cd. It is lovely to listen to.
    I was sorry to read of your sad loss. I hope the music gives you strength to help you through the difficult times

  5. Anonymous11 May, 2008

    I am planning to attend Andre's Concert in two weeks in Atlantic City and will be attending the pre-concert lunchon. It will be great to meet many new Andre Fans along with some that I already know. It should be a great time! Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
