Jan 15, 2008

News On Maastricht 2008!

The Mastreechter Staar To Perform With Rieu on The Vrijthof

de Limburger Newspaper
January 15, 2008

Translations by John
The Royal Choir "Mastreechter Staar" (www.mastreechterstaar.nl) will perform together with Andre Rieu on 4 & 5 (and possibly 6) July on the Vrijthof.

The Mastreechter Staar is 125 years old. The same holds true for its music school Kumulus.(Both are celebrating their 125th anniversary this year) Its students will also perform with Rieu on the Vrijthof. Staar president Jan Voorveld made the announcement Monday during their practice.

The singers consider it an honor to be performing with Rieu on the Vrijthof. "They do not mind the extra performances in an already very busy jubilee year". Last fall, Andre Rieu accepted the first copy of the Staars jubilee CD. In addition, the choir will conduct two performances on 6 & 7 June with the LSO (Limburg Salon Orchestra) in the Theatre at the Vrijthof.

Released Today January 16, The Mastreechter Staar Website

André Rieu And The Mastreechter Staar Together On The Vrijthof

The jubilent Royal Choir Society, Mastreechter Staar, will perform together with Andre Rieu this coming July 4th, 5th and 6th.
During the rehearsal on 14 January, President Jan Voorvelt released the big news.

The singers responded with approving applause to this news.
Despite the additional concerts to an already busy concert schedule, the singers consider it a big honor to perform together with "our" André on the Vrijthof.


  1. Wow! ~ The Mastreechter Staar AND the students are going to sing ... This sounds like it's going to be just beautiful!!

    What an exciting time Maastricht (and Amsterdam) is going to be this year!

  2. Thanks for the translation, John and Bobbie. That should be a great addition to the Maastricht concerts. Could they really perform on Friday, if there is a third concert, and also across the street at the theatre on the same evening? I guess anything is possible.
    So appreicate you keeping us informed of the news in the Dutch newspapers, especially the Limburger. Many Thanks.


  3. A correction needed. The choir will be performing on a Sunday and Monday in June, so there would not be a confict with the July concerts. I hope that we do get three concerts in Maastricht, but the stress of setting up and taking down for six concerts in four cites (two of them MEGA's) in a one month period is mind-boggling. And Maastricht and Waldbuhne won't be little affairs.

    A very interesting summer.

