May 28, 2008

André Again Gives It His All in His Atlantic City and Reading Concerts!!


Just A Few Pictures I Took in Atlantic City at The Fan Dinner
As soon as I get things organized here at home, I will add more pictures that you all have been sending in. Any of you that have taken pictures at Atlantic City or Reading ~ please email them to me so we can post them here for everyone to see!! And did any fans see the last concert in Baltimore? We'd love to hear about that one with any pictures you may have!!


  1. Anonymous28 May, 2008

    Welcome back girls!
    Oh My God! The fans are getting younger and younger (maybe smaller and smaller is more appropriate). What a cute lovely picture. Thanks girls!!
    I wonder how adorable it's gonna be if André could hold the baby at the same time he plays Lullaby!

  2. Anonymous02 June, 2008

    Hi! I am working on my report of the Baltimore concert and hopefully pictures if I got any good ones. I will send the report Tuesday and hopefully a picture at least. I have a new camera which I am learning to operate.

