May 23, 2008

From The Adelaide Now

There are so many reports from so called "Critics" that come out on a daily basis, and they just aren't worth posting. This one though had a GREAT picture with it, and I felt it only fair if I was going to share the picture with you on here, that I would have to also add the critics article on André.
Here is the link if you want to read it. But regardless of what the writer (and I use that term loosely) says, Enjoy the picture!

♦Click Here For Adelaide's Critic Report

There is also another article from Lyndall Freeman in Australia, you can click here to read what she wrote for the Adelaide Advertiser.

And last, here's a review of the Ottawa Concert: ♦Link To Ottawa Concert Review

Bye ~ and we'll see you all when we get back from Atlantic City, hopefully with some great pictures from all of us, and stories to tell .....


  1. Anonymous24 May, 2008

    Hi Sue, I almost died when I saw this photo! Wonder where that writer (used lightly) got the photo. That was the only good thing on that page. I am writing this from Atlantic City and I know everyone else is on the way so I will see you soon.
    Jeanine Ann

  2. Anonymous24 May, 2008

    To Stephen Whittington:

    Wonderful picture though!


  3. Anonymous24 May, 2008

    Sue, I really like it that you put the link of the Stephen article on top, and then that of Lyndall. When I read Lyndall's article, it's like "Now we're talking!". Mr. "Head of Studies" seemed to have the need to study what the real world is now. I always think that we're lucky to have known André's music while we're alive. If a small group of people still wanted to find an excuse to be different from other millions of happy folks around the world, so be it. They never understand the joy we have and they probably don't deserve it then.

  4. Anonymous26 May, 2008

    I think critics who criticize André's
    concerts as not being serious classical music should stop wasting their time. They insist that something should be there that isn't.
    André doesn't want to do serious classical concerts. What he wants is
    entirely different - he doesn't want
    to give serious classical concerts.
    Some of these critics are trying to build their own egos over a non-issue.

  5. As Lyndall explained, the idea of these two articles was to have the perspective of one who loves André, and one who loathes him.

    You get to see both sides of the coin in the two stories ... I thought it was an interesting way for them to address it.
