Nov 13, 2008

Jann From André Rieu Aussie Fansite On News Nine

Jann Being Interviewed by News Nine Australia
Imagine it's 11:00 in the morning of the day you're going to see André Rieu for the first time in concert and the phone rings ~ you answer and it's your local television station saying they want to interview you for the 6:00 news and they'll be there in an hour!!! ... That's what happened to our Jann from the Aussie Fansite today!! 
Here are a few pictures that her daughter Rebecca took while they were interviewing her. Also there's a link below to a little video clip that was on the 6:00 news. Loved the "Stud Muffin" Jann! ;-)


  1. Wow, that was great to see Jann live!! The only thing was: I could not switch off the website's Toselli Serenade, so I could not easily follow the spoken words. Except for "Stud muffin!". Sue, what did I do wrong??

  2. It was really wonderful to seeand hear Jann! Ineke and Sue, I had the same problem with the "Toselli Serenade", but I had an idea: I copied the link from the video site, closed the "parlor", pasted the link worked!
    I am now looking forward to Jann's report!
    Astrid / Germany

  3. Jann! It was great to see you “in person” and your chipper personality! You certainly have my admiration for being so put together that you could have a camera crew in your home on such short notice – and on concert day, no less! It was wonderful to see the other fans, too, to represent the excitement, not only there, but how we feel around the world when André comes around! When you recover from the concert, you can imagine we’re all waiting for a full report :-D.

  4. "Stud Muffin" was loud and clear wasn't it Ineke! I think it is established for the whole world to see that Jann is a "Tragic"! ;-)

    Someties when you open a link it doesn't go to a detached page, so you still hear Toselli. Just X the Parlor out while you watch the video.

    Sue :)
