Jun 14, 2009

André Rieu's Vancouver Concert with Alice

Alice’s Novel ~ André and Friends in Vancouver

"Vancouver was not on the tour map in 2008, but I certainly won’t forget my experience for 2009!" ... Click below to read all about Alice's Concert and MORE!!!

►Alice's Vancouver Concert and Adventure!


  1. Anonymous14 June, 2009

    What a fantastic time you had, Alice. And what a fun story. Love it.
    Curious...who played first violin? Jet, Lin?
    Frank missed Philadelphia, too, as he flew home after Reading to do a carillon concert. Busy, talented man. Suppose he might join them later! Cord took the Polaroid pictures that night, too.


  2. Mother Superior aka Margaret S14 June, 2009

    What a great story Alice!
    Thanks so much for sharing all the details.That's what I like to read. can't wait to read Mrs Ed's account when she returns home.
    Thanks again.

  3. Anonymous14 June, 2009

    HI Alice
    Glad you had such a good time. Wow, for Beate to just come to the concert from Germany. Lucky you to see the busses. I will be at the concert in a few days in Fresno and then we will all meet in Maastricht, yeah!!!

  4. Anonymous14 June, 2009

    Great story, Alice! I knew you would come through for us! Luck was really on your side with the timing of the busses - and how nice to have Beate & Mrs. Ed there to enjoy it all with you! Now we'll let you rest. Thanks!
    ~Chris T.

  5. Anonymous14 June, 2009

    Thank you for sharing your exciting story with us Alice. The concert alone was fantastic, but to get an autograph AND see the busses...WOW! You have very good timing! I enjoyed reading your story very much. Hope you get to meet André and have your picture taken with him someday soon.

    Exciting week coming up in California. I'll be meeting fan friends in Oakland and Fresno before going to Maastricht. The party has already started!


  6. Anonymous14 June, 2009

    Alice, this if FYI, my Detroit Red Wings lost to Pittsburg Penguins in game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals and blah, blah, blah.

    Peter Timm
    Suffolk, Virginia

  7. Hi Alice!
    I loooooved to read your story!!
    See you, your parents and your sister and her husband, in Maastricht.

  8. Anonymous16 June, 2009

    Thanks Alice, what a great story!! I enjoyed reading about your adventures and I'm really glad you had such a wonderful time!!
