Jul 4, 2009

"Happy Fourth of July from The Vrijthof in Maastricht!!!"
It's a Beautiful Sunshiney Day here! ... As you can see we have our "Flags" in our window and are ready for the Fourth!! If you're watching the Webcam you can see they're getting the whole foundation up for the stage!! I've taken lots more pictures and will put them on tonight when we come back to our room.
Enjoy Your Fourth of July BBQ's Everyone!!!
Betty and Sue :)


  1. Hi Sue, It's interesting to see in front of the trees on the street a little. Have you seen any interesting faces yet???

  2. Anonymous04 July, 2009

    Hi Sue & Betty,
    And Happy 4th of July to you and all Americans in Maastricht!! Thanks for the pictures!


  3. I LOVE this American flag picture! Last year's was nice but this is even nicer! (BTW, thanks for your concern, Chris :D )
