Jul 3, 2009

Some Pictures From Maastricht

Our View From Our Room We Awoke To This Morning!!

Just a note to say we're having a lot of fun!! Still on the tired side, but here's a few pictures I took yesterday and today ... Some trucks pulled in this evening and it looks like they're going to be putting the fencing up tomorrow. Last year they had the stage half done by Sunday afternoon, so I expect that they'll get going on it all any time here now ... watch the Webcam!! :) Click on the link below to see the pictures ... Sue and Betty

►Maastricht 2009 Photos as We Take Them!


  1. Hi Sue & Betty: Great pictures! It would be fun to be able to comment on each picture like you can on facebook. We'll just say that Maastricht seems to have many fine qualities! Which part of the Virjthof are those steps that Betty is sitting on?

  2. Anonymous03 July, 2009

    Thanks, Sue, it's just great to see pictures so soon. We will be looking forward to more as you send them.


  3. The sign says: Rieu tickets. Still tickets available. Information inside.
    Sue and Betty: Do they mean concert tickets?? Or tickets for restaurant arrangements? Just a great way to let the fans know!
    Chris T: Betty is sitting on the steps of a monument, which is in a corner of the Vrijthof square.
    Love, Ineke.

  4. Oh! The firemen were there for ice-cream?? I thought André hired them to standby(just in case...) since it's sooo HOT!! And the market has EVERYTHING we want? My God! I need more money!!

  5. Hey Ineke, Thanks for the translation on the sign - that would be helpful information for fans to know whether there were still tickets on the square, or in the restaurant. As you're looking out from the Du Casque, which corner is the monument where Betty is sitting?
    You guys - keep a close eye on Alice, OK? ;-)

  6. Anonymous04 July, 2009

    Great pictures, Sue.
    Chris, there are restaurants all around the Vrijthof and they all serve dinner prior and during the concerts. Also the next square over. Shown extensively on Maastricht II. Last year...one night with friends from Michigan. Great experience. Reservations usually made many months in advance.
    Cheers, Laurie

  7. Anonymous04 July, 2009

    P.S. Cafe reservations are for the entire evening. No rotation of customers. You watch on large screens placed up and down the streets, though we also could see the stage from our restaurant, right across from the opening in the fence where Andre and JSO enter.
    Maastricht food is very good.

  8. Hi Chris,
    Looking out of the DuCasque window, the monument is in the left corner below, hidden by the trees to see it. There also is the pedestrian entrance to the parking garage under the square. In the picture you can see the fence around the stairs down to the parking lot.

  9. Margaret S04 July, 2009

    Thanks Sue & Betty for such detailed photos & reports. Thanks to Ineke and Laurie for extra info. RIEU-lly appreciate the time you are taking for us who won't be there.

  10. Chris T. Do you see the pillar of the monument on the Gaucho's terrace picture? At the left, behind the fence, you can see it between the trees. That's where Betty sat on the steps.
