Aug 3, 2009

André Rieu Plays To Thousands in Maastricht

André Rieu Plays Thousands in Maastricht Into the Realm of Tears

Maastricht Von David Saizew 02 August 2009 ~ For the fifth year, André Rieu and his orchestra appeared in Maastricht. He began his career here 30 years ago. The ZDF broadcast "The Magic of Music", was a hit and it transformed the mood of Maastricht over to the television viewers at home. To hear and see the well known hits and oldies.

A special event this year was the expansion of the orchestra with more than 400 brass players. This was unique, but then every André Rieu's Open-Air Concert on the Vrijthof in Maastricht is unique.

With this event, André Rieu once again has shown how music has a positive effect on people and how it changes them. The words from Schiller's "Ode to Joy", "All Men will be Brothers", was not only sung and played well, no, André Rieu, in this concert exceeded all expectations! It is no surprise that every year people from all around the world come to these André Rieu concerts in Maastricht!

Wonderfully and emotionally people enjoy the music of André Rieu. Many viewers were overwhelmed by their emotions and could not hold back their tears. (©Translation copyrighted by John)

Click Here to See Some Great Parts of The Concert That Were Shown on ZDF: Ineke/Ruud's Movies

1 comment:

  1. Thanks,Sue
    I love to read these positive reports.
    Ineke and Ruud's videoclip was great.
