Aug 4, 2009

André Rieu The Craziest Violinist in The World

André Rieu The Craziest Violinist in The World!

Here is a Dutch interview that was done right after the Concerts in Maastricht with André AND Marjorie! Thank You to Ruud and Ineke for sending it to us and to John for his Marathon job of Translating so we all could read it! Click on the link below ...

The Craziest Violinist in The World!

Sorry, we had to make a couple of corrections to the article and I had to take the link off while I did it ... as you can see it's back on now! :)


  1. Great interview!!! So nice to hear Marjorie's thoughts and learn a bit about her background. What an amazing lady. Thank you for the translation John. That was a long one. ~Kay

  2. Thanks, John, for the time you spent translating this interwiew with Andre and Marjorie. Nice to have her input, too! I enjoyed it very much.

  3. Great job, as always, John. Thanks for all the hard work in translating the article and sharing with us.

    Al Girard

  4. Whow! With Marjorie too? What a very updated interview of the couple! But ummmm....can I offer myself as one of those 2 Chinese for the North Pole performance? GREAT work, John!

  5. Thanks Sue for posting and John for translating but I can't find where the interview is that included Marjorie. I could find the link can I get some help? I'd love to read the interview.


  6. Thank you soooooooo much for posting and I can understand editing. This is so sweet of an interview with Marjorie, she is so special God Bless her. I was just talking about her and Andre's career to a friend just last night so I will direct him to read this.


  7. Brrrrrrrr! The JSO has to love André an awful lot to go be Eskimos for a few weeks ;-)! I wonder, is Nelly scrambling already, to make Thinsulate linings for all those dresses and tuxes so they don’t turn into the abominable snow-orchestra?
    It was nice to hear a little more about Marjorie’s background, too. We appreciate her candidness to let us know a little more about her and her family. And thanks, once again, to Ruud & Ineke, John & Sue for bringing this to us!

  8. The strong woman at Andre's side!
    They are a amazing duo. It's soo good to hear Marjorie and know something about her too.
    Thank you for translating this for us John.


  9. Thanks so much for this translation, John. Good to hear a little more from Marjorie.
    I also enjoyed Kerstin's supportive comments about her in your translation of her extensive interview.
    Andre is fortunate to have Marjorie as his wife and helpmeet and Kerstin as his so valuable assistant.
    Keep the interviews coming. We all love them!!!
