Aug 7, 2009

The Harmony Parlor is '2' Years Old Today!

I was taking a break from my yard work to cool off and thought I would work a little on the "Archives" of the Parlor, so they're all on the left side now.

I knew it was in August that the Parlor was started, but as I was filing the Archives, to my surprise ......... it was AUGUST 7th ......... that "The Harmony Parlor", a fan site for the current news on André Rieu was created and I made the first post on it ~ Two years ago today!!! ...... Sue :)



  1. Well done,Sue!!
    It was around this time two years ago that I found Andre's music, went on the Net( new also to me then!) to find more about him, found Sonja's Translations,The Harmony Parlor, Gina's Blog here in Aussieland and have been hooked ever since.
    As I've said many times since ,thanks you so much for your wonderful work to keep us all so well informed of Andre's exploits.
    I just love the presentation of The Parlor.


  2. Happy Birthday to you~
    Happy Birthday to you~
    Happy Birthday dear Parlor~~
    Happy Birthday to you~~~~~~

  3. Margaret S aka Mother Superior07 August, 2009

    Happy Birthday Harmony Parlor.
    And thanks for ALL the contriutions made by EVERYONE AROUND THE WORLD, but especially to you SUE.

  4. And it has helped generate and nurture many friendships, has provided stellar news stories, and spread a lot "Harmony" around the world! We've enjoyed it a lot!

  5. Happy Birthday to The Harmony Parlor !
    It certainly has been a wonderful source of "Rieu" information for these past 2 years.
    Sue....I hope that you baked the Parlor a cake & that you had a big piece of, go finish your yard work.


  6. Wow, two years ago. Time flies when you are having fun. I am so happy, we talked back then and set up the Hermony Parlor and the new guestbook. You have done a tremendous job with the Parlor and I am sure at the time you did not expect it to take on the importance it has. I do not have the time for translations anymore, but you and John have more than taken over the scepter. Andre is much better known now and there is so much news it is hard to keep up with it. Thank you, dear Sue for all you do.

  7. Hey congratulations Sue!!! *Sings along with Alice*
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Parlor
    Happy Birthday to you!

    Hope all is well! Have a great happy birthday from all of us down under! :D

  8. Dearest Sonja, it was an honour for me to share your happiness on your birthday. You sure deserve all the special treats you got.

    And Reuben, our BIG day in a month :D

  9. Dear Sue: What can I say, other than THANK YOU!! for all your work on The Parlor. It has greatly enriched my life, and I'm sure the lives of many others, bringing us all the latest information on Andre and also the warm connection to other fans around thw world, that we would otherwise not have. Thanks also to Sonja, John, Ruud & Ineke, and everyone else who provide this site with news and info. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND WISHES FOR MANY MORE!!!!!

  10. The Harmony Parlor Thanks all of you! I just thought it so exciting when I realized yesterday was the Second Birthday of the Parlor! Two years already!!! :)

    There are so many, many people that make the Parlor what it is today ... all you have to do is look at it and see the stories from all the fans that write in and send their pictures, to see the articles that we get from Ineke and Ruud.

    But most of all, to see all the News and the Translating of that news that John finds and does for us ... Without that, there would only be the news that we could find in English, and since André is European that would cut our news information a lot!!

    Thank you to all that make the Parlor what it is ... Sue :)

  11. The Harmony Parlor is only two years old ? It seems a lifetime ago that I was searching in Google for information on ‘André Rieu’, and came across this site.

    In Maastricht, I had the opportunity to thank Sonja for setting up Translations. Sonja is so modest, she replied, 'If I had not done it someone else would have done it.' But, my friends, who could have done it better ? No one, and we all know it.

    It is a beautiful site, in all respects. My life has changed since finding the Harmony Parlor, and I am sure that very many of you will agree with me.

    I would have become a ‘Rieu’ fan anyway. Once I started watching the DVD’s, 3 years ago, and, by looking at André’s own site, I would have been ‘reasonably well informed’

    But the Harmony Parlor, so aptly named, has brought a different perspective ; I now, thanks to all of you, feel ‘part of a family’.. An extended ‘Rieu Fans Family’.

    And it is a lovely feeling.. There is Sue working hard to post all the info, John doing the translations, Ineke & Ruud doing all the video clips, Ruth making ‘buttons’ for Maastricht, Alice making banners, and, the ‘input’ from all of us .. And when someone has been to a concert, Sue will post their photos and their report.. That makes us all feel that we ourselves are an important part of this ‘family’. Not to mention our postings on the Guest Book. I am sure that André himself is proud of ‘us’.

    I salute you all, and I am wishing the Harmony Parlor a very Happy Birthday, and may you live for many happy years to come! Adele

  12. Ditto from me for all the comments I just read.
    You are a treasure, Sue, as are Sonja, John, Ineke, Ruud and everyone that contribututes to The Parlor and the Translations site.
    Also Alice for all her help. Ruth for making the buttons and Chris and Siggy for the name tags that we wear to concerts and various "Andre" activities.
    Bravo to you all!!!


  13. Happy Birthday to the Harmony Parlor - we would be lost wihout "it" and you Sue! Thanks for everything you do.
    Best wishes and CheeRIEU from Val & Victorian Friendship Group.

  14. Congratulations Sue and The Harmony Parlor. on a excellent job over the past two years. Looking forward to many more years of enjoyment. Best Wishes.

    Marg G.

  15. Happy Birthady to all the people who are a part of this wondefull fan site, an of couse to web mom Sue. You all make of the Harmony Parlor a huge success!!!


  16. Happy Birthday Harmony Parlor, okay today is Aug. 10th but a birthday lasts all year. I'm grateful for all who contrubute so much to this site for our Andre and the fans.

    Thanks so much!
