Oct 6, 2009

André Rieu Soon To Appear on Flikken Maastricht

André Rieu Manages To Do It Again

Maastricht Oct. 6, 2009:The popular TROS drama series "Flikken Maastricht" starts it's third season on Friday 30 October. Twenty episodes are planned to be aired with many well known in guest rolls. Among them, André Rieu. The Maastricht violinist plays himself in this police series. Yesterday the 60 year old artist was able to view parts of the episode.

In the reception hall of his Castle, he is intently watching the TV. André Rieu has of course seen himself many times on the big screen during his concerts, but never as an actor. The world renowned boss of the Johann Strauss Orchestra is in one of the episodes of "Flikken Maastricht" faced with an impending attack during one of his Vrijthof concerts. A woman with a bomb has targeted him and his musicians, and plans to kidnap him.

André Rieu is delighted with his guest role. "Two years ago the directors of this series had asked me then too. Then they wanted me to play the role of a murderer. That would really have enhanced my image. Anyway, I said thanks, but no thanks," he said laughingly.

This year he was asked again, and this time the orchestra leader agreed. Yesterday afternoon, Rieu and the main characters Victor Reinier (Floris Wolf) and Angela Schiff (Eva van Dongen) watched the episode during a press conference. Rieu manages to do it again. Besides a musical career for the successful artist, there also seems to be a role for him as an actor. But those desires he does not have yet. "Me, an actor? No way. I find it nice to be able to experience this once, but that is as far as it goes". I am happy that in my concerts I do not have to repeat a piece of music twenty times. That, in a television series is quite normal."

A little while later, Rieu revealed that he has been approached by a German television company to make a movie about his life. "That, of course is something else. And my wife ►Marjorie is writing a book about a set of twins who would like to visit me. In a movie like that I would love to play a role." ... Thanks to John and Chris for this and to John for ©Translating it. Fotos from Flikken and Tros


  1. Hi Sue, Looks like you & John came up with more than what I sent you :-). Thanks for the work to make it something we can all understand.

  2. Well, we never followed the police series "Flikken Maastricht" on Dutch TV, but I guess we'll change that. As from October 30th we have to watch it every week, for not missing André's appearance. We'll try to record the episode, to see why we had to applaud so often (look at Alice's video, where a certain director shows us how to applaud for the TV series....)

  3. Mother Superior07 October, 2009

    Thanks Sue, Chris & John for the update. Doubt we'll ever see it on SBS in Australia.

  4. We will keep our fingers crossed Margaret that Ruud and Ineke will post it for all of us out of the viewing range! Sue :)
