Oct 7, 2009

Mirusia Louwerse Lives Her Fairytale With André Rieu

Mirusia Living a Fairytale Touring With André

October 7th, 2009 by Shae Johnson
SOPRANO Mirusia Louwerse is living a fairytale on the grandest scale. The 24-year-old singer tours the world as a soloist with renowned Dutch violinist André Rieu, performing breathtaking classics night after night.

Louwerse has spent a few days relaxing at Pocket's Rainforest Retreat at Bilinudgel ahead of Rieu's 11-concert Australian tour which launches at Sydney's Acer Arena on October 16, beamed live into Seagulls and selected cinemas Australia-wide.

"I was a local singer from Brisbane two-and-a-half years ago. Now I'm touring the world with André Rieu. For me, it's been exhilarating," she says. "He's so nice; what you see on stage is what you get. He's just that. "He's just André. He's a really lovely guy and has a passion for music and a drive and it's really inspirational for me. "I'm having a blast doing what I'm doing and I'm learning so much. It's a great experience and I travel the world."

Her experiences include recording her 2008 CD with Rieu, Waltzing Matilda, which went platinum within 10 days and stayed at the top of the Australian pop charts for three weeks. It was the first time Rieu had collaborated with another artist.
Louwerse, the youngest winner of the Dame Joan Sutherland Opera Award, has her family to thank for her dream job. "My aunty and my mother joined forces and sent an email to André and within the hour there was a phone call at my house," says Louwerse. "My Dad answered the phone saying 'there is a guy claiming to be André Rieu on the telephone'.

"He (Rieu) said 'I love your voice and I was wondering if you would like to tour the world with me?'.
"I was 21 when André called me and I was at that point -- wondering if the opera world really was for me. "I love singing jazz, pop and country music and I love musicals and operas and I love it all and I don't want to be stuck to one style or genre. "This was the perfect opportunity; I can sing all types of music in his show and I get to spread music and the love of music to so many people all at once."

Rieu's first Australian tour was a spectacle with classical music performed against a full-size reproduction of the Schönbrunn Palace, famous skating champion pairs, traditional Viennese horse-drawn carriages with footmen and a complete ballroom with golden chandeliers. "Everything is mega with Andre," says Louwerse. "This time, it's to a smaller scale. "It's just as spectacular, but it's more intimate this time."

André Rieu's Sydney show will be beamed live via satellite into Seagulls on Friday, October 16, from 7pm. Tickets $42. André Rieu plays Brisbane Entertainment Centre on October 21 and 22.


  1. Mother Superior07 October, 2009

    Thanks Sue.
    interesting to note the kinds of venues where the live screening will be held. Seagulls is a football club on the Gold Coast.

  2. Great interview with Mirusia. Really enjoy her, all the other singers and the orchestra no end!!

  3. She's lucky to have been invited to join André but then she got the looks & talents plus she's Australian & Dutch. How perfect! I'm glad they found each other!

  4. Thanks Sue. Mirusia's voice is developing and as each year goes on it will only get better. I notice she is a true Aussie at heart, and a Dutch girl in spirit.

    Marg G.

  5. Thanks for posting that article, Sue. Mirusia certainly works well with Andre, as do they all.

