Oct 23, 2009

A Little Story in André Rieu's Kansas City Concert

André Rieu Concert in Kansas City

This is a letter I received from Donij van Doorn today. I thought I would post it on the Parlor for everyone to read as it has such a wonderful little story in it. How nice that she found her pictures on the Parlor from our fans! Below is her letter thanking those fans ...

I want to thank you for the wonderful website The Harmony Parlor. I found the most beautiful pictures of my solo-experience in Kansas City with André and the JSO on the site. I am very gratefull for this!

You should know that I was very sad about the fact that I had no photo's of it at all because I had been terribly sick half the tour ... But now I do have some pictures. :)

Could you please thank Sonja, Maggie, JH, John and Chris T. for the photos from me. I'm full of joy to have seen it, and I'm very happy the fans were so positive about the performance. Thank you all very, very much!

Kind regards, Donij


  1. Well, that is a wonderful letter Sue!! You might tell her that we can dig up more pictures if she likes that, and I think there is a great picture of her in the JSO slide show on our website.

  2. What a nice surprise to get a note from Donij! (Would we pronounce that "Donnie?") We really did enjoy seeing her in Kansas City (08), but I don't think we knew her name until after we got home. We're interested to know what she's up to now. Glad we could provide her with some mementos of that tour.

  3. How wonderful it was that Donij discovered her beautiful pics, better late than never...and even nicer of her to write a note. Aren't they all just lovely people!

  4. HI Chris T,
    Donij is not a usual name in Holland. I never heard that name before. I am sure it is an abbreviation of some official name I don't know. In Holland the sound "ij" and "ei" are pronounced the same, but there is no comparable sound in English. The closest way to pronounce is Donye, and "nye" like "bye,bye".

  5. I have to say that I too am glad to see this posting. I was not at the KC show however, the next stop was Oklahoma City and it was there that I received my first exposure to JSO and I have been addicted ever since.

    So many times I have wished that I could know who all was in that tour? At the time I did not know any of the names or faces.

    If there are any other photos from the 2008 Kansas City Show...or shows from that same leg of the tour available I would love to see them.


    Bob Dunn - Oklahoma City

  6. Hi Bob,
    If you type "Kansas City" into the search box on the Harmony Parlor, you should find a few slide shows & stories there.

  7. Chris,

    Thank you so much for your suggestion and guidance. I was able to see several phots from the KC show. I am now glad to know who all was there at the OKC show the following night.

    I had always wondered whether the JSO members that I now consider to be my favorites were present as at the time I had no knowledge of the indvidual orchestra & choir members.

    I am glad to learn that many of them were there that night.

    I remembered Stephanie, Marcel, Jett and Manoe as having been there when I viewed my first JSO DVD after the concert. But I was not too certain about many of the others.

    Thanks to you I can now lay all of those concerns to rest as I was able get the answers I had long been wondering about.

    Thank you once again,


  8. Hi again, Bob, Have you already been to http://www.andrerieu-movies.com/ and looked at the slideshow identifying different JSO members? If not, once you're there, click on "fan photo shows" in the left menu and scroll to the bottom to get to know a lot of the JSO regulars. The other slideshows above that one will introduce you to many fans around the world who are regulars on the fan sites and have become friends at the many concerts.

  9. Bob, The following photo show is a series of pictures I took at the KC concert that kinda got lost when KC was archived. Not sure if this link will still work, but you can try: http://www.photoshow.com/watch/DG7Vw5Qu
    I hope you make it to many more live concerts!

  10. Chris,

    Thanks for the additional slideshow. I am not sure how many concerts I will get to attend in 2010. I am not certain how many shows will be performed in the Midwest.

    I am usually too busy at work to travel a lot. I try to make certain that my Mom gets to see Andre. We were able to take in Des Moines and Omaha this last spring.

    I am hoping that the 2010 schedule will include Dallas or Houston, maybe even San Antonio. If they are only doing 21 shows in all of North America it is likely that only the larger cities will be selected.

    As for a means of identifying JSO members I really wish Rieu would update his web site and make certain that the personnel listings were current.

    Have fun, Stay safe and have a nice Day

