Feb 20, 2010

André Rieu Almost Went Under Due To a Dream

André Rieu Almost Went Under Due To a Dream
His tour through Australia in 2008 almost did him and his orchestra in. "I do not mind dying poor," says the 60 year old violin virtuoso, "but it came too close, to the point that I almost had to dismiss all my orchestra members. It was really too intense".

Dressed in a long elegant coat, umbrella above his head, André Rieu is waiting for me in a snow shower at the train station of Maastricht. The immaculately dressed gentleman is quite noticeable in the city which is still full of Carnival atmosphere. "My financial adviser predicted all this. The year end financial figures are now out and there will be a storm of comments."
Click On The Link Below To Read The Full Article


  1. Great translation and so soon!! Thank you John and Sue. You are the best! I love the picture in front of his castle with snow on.
    Andre is a lovable, fair, reliable man, who sometimes is dreaming too much.....

  2. Margaret S aka Mother Superior21 February, 2010

    Wow! Thanks Sue, Ruud and Ineke, and John for such an interesting article. I am so pleased that the powers that be decided to continue to back André. It must have been a very difficult time for all concerned.
    Many of us in Australia would have been just as happy to have a concert in a smaller venue without all the extra "bells and whistles".
    Hope we get some extra concerts dates for 2010 announced soon.

  3. Another great team effort. Thanks Ruud & Ineke for finding the Article, as always John thanks for an excellent Translation and of course Sue for her great photo's and many hours she spent putting the article on the Parlor for everyone to enjoy.

    The World Stadium Tour is magnificent, however I wouldn't have enjoyed being in Andre's shoes for those four days he waited for an answer from the bank.

    I have to second Mother Superior's sentiments, Downunder we would have been more than content with his usual tours.

    Nonetheless we are greatful for his "dream" and bringing it to our country.

  4. What an amazing story! Thanks to all for providing the translation. There are several bits of good news here. First of all, Andre is "out of the woods" as far as financial disaster is concerned. The concerts on the Vrijthof this summer will be hugely successful, as they're virtually sold out.
    For those of us in North America, the distinct possibility of a huge stadium tour is exciting news. Hopefully Andre will continue producing concert DVDS, as he probably will, and with more and more recordings going platinum his furtunes will rise.

    Al Girard

  5. Thank you John and Sue for this informative article. André is so "up front" and honest in speaking of something which must be at least somewhat difficult to share with the world. He is a very courageous man to take such a risk to follow his dream and make his fans happy. I'm glad to know this is all behind him now.

    And what exciting news to hear he may bring the World Stadium Tour to North America. I can't wait until he's as big here as he is in the rest of the world. He just never ceases to amaze me.

  6. Thanks John and Sue for that fantastic translation and posting. And thanks Ineke and Ruud for finding it.
    With the financial statements "out", I think he was smart to comment on it all and not leave it up to speculation.
    I am overjoyed that he was able to continue on. And the plans for stadium concerts over here is just thrilling.
    Yes, the smaller concerts are great, but the larger and longer concerts in Maastricht are so much better. Worth the effort to get there.
    And thanks to all who contribute so much to his success with the Translations, Parlor, movie site, Aussie site, Beate's site and others. Such a help to JSO's ticket and product sales.


  7. Thank goodness Andre had that dream and dared to fulfill his dream. I will be eternally thankful for having been given the opportunity to see that wonderful concert - I still think of it.
    Nevertheless I will be just as happy to see Andre and the JSO on the stage without all the "bells & whistles" if that is what it takes for future concerts.

    Thanks for your hard work Sue, Ruud,Ineke & John.

    CheeRIEU from Val (& Vic. Friendship Group)

  8. Thanks so much John for translating this article and Sue for posting it for the fans to view. I love the spirit of Andre so much, he's not a person who is afraid to take a risk, deal with what could have been a possible defeat and rise to victory. That is a warriors spirit, in this case making his dreams come true is his battleground. What is most amazing is how open he is with this information that I don't think others at his level would be that open.


  9. Thank you to everyone at Harmony Parlor for providing we Andre friends with a most entertaining site for keeping up to date with Andre. I was most sad to think he had been through such dire straits in order to bring his entourage to us here in Australia, after all he and his music have done for others. We don't need an extravaganza, all we want is to be able enjoy he, his music and many more concerts this year.
    It is inconcieveable how he kept going with so much pressure. Congratulations to he and Marjorie as his many friends are looking forward to more concerts in 2010 and beyond.
