Feb 24, 2010

André Rieu To Write Column For Eigen Bedrijf Magazine

André Rieu Receives The First Copy of Magazine

The Chamber of Commerce to Launch "Eigen Bedrijf" (Private Company) A Leading Magazine For Entrepreneurs.

'Eigen Bedrijf' the newest and largest magazine for entrepreneurs. The Chamber of Commerce will distribute the first issue on February 25. "Eigen Bedrijf" will be published six times a year and will be circulated to nearly 800,000 subscribers. The Magazine will appear in 12 Regional Editions. It replaces the "Kamerkrant". The last issue of the "Kamerkrant" was published in December 2009.

With this new magazine, entrepreneurs will receive information from the Chamber of Commerce, on all matters they might face. In this manner, entrepreneurs can share their views, experiences and insights with the readers, give expert practical advice, provide a quick look at recent economic developments and legislative changes are identified and explained.

In commemoration of the publication, Wil Houben, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce Limburg, presented Andre Rieu with the first copy. Rieu will provide a column to the magazine, in which he talks about his experiences as an entrepreneur. In 2009 he was voted as the best selling male touring artist around the world. André Rieu Productions employs 120 people ... Thanks to Ruud for sending this to us and John Translating it!


  1. Thanks again Sue and John for your hard work and team effort that goes into these Articles and to Ruud for supplying the information.

  2. Another big thank you to John, Sue & Ruud for bringing us this news. When does André find the time?????


  3. Margaret S aka Mother Superior24 February, 2010

    Thanks again Ruud, John & Sue for the André Update.

  4. I agree with you Kay...when does he find the time? I had a subscription to Australia's LIMELIGHT magazine for two years. The first year, he had a monthly column and the second year - columns quite often. Don't know how often now.
    So much to admire. His showmanship, attention to detail, so every concert is fantastic, not to forget all his musical abilities.
    Trust that our Dutch translatore and Sue's graphic talents will keep us up to date.


  5. Mispelled a word. Please delete the final "e" and add an "s" to translators. Think you know what I meant!
