Feb 25, 2010

André Rieu's First Article Written For 'Eigen Bedrijf Magazine'

André Rieu's First Article Written For "Eigen Bedrijf Magazine"

Exclusive Rights on February 25, 2010 for Publication and Translation granted to the "Harmony Parlor" by Eigen Bedrijf Magazine. Translation is ©copyrighted and may not to be used entirely or in part without specific written permission by the translator, John deJong.

Written by André Rieu for Eigen Bedrijf Magazine

"What sort of Entrepreneur are you?" asked one of my acquaintances recently. Gee, I had to think about that for a minute! (a) Because in the first place I see myself as a musician, (b) The word "Entrepreneur" sounds so businesslike and my perception of my work actually does not feel like work and (c) because occasionally I hear from other people that I have a business and emotional side, which would portray me as an Entrepreneur.

One thing is for sure, my intuitions are my most important guidance system in being an Entrepreneur.The times that I ignored these intuitions, aware or unaware, turned out to be a fiasco. Like the time when I hired a musician because of his brilliant resume and not because of the "click" I should have felt. Or the performance for an audience who received free tickets. Never again!

But on the contrary, I really did have a good feeling about copying the Viennese Castle Schönbrunn, better known as Empress Sissi's Palace, which in the meantime became the world's largest traveling stage setting. This was a gigantic investment, which caused our company in 2008 to go into the red. Maybe it might sound odd, but it did not keep me awake for one single night! Everything felt right when I and my orchestra performed in Vienna in front of the real Schönbrunn Castle in 2006. Afterwards I told my son, who since then has become vice president of our company, "This is the perfect atmosphere which fits with my music. We can only do one thing, "Copy it!!".

He doubled over with laughter, as if I had told a good joke. In the meantime we traveled around the world with the Castle, the two ice rinks, the extensive ballet, the horses, the carriages and the fountains.The audiences are very enthusiastic and we can, with the utmost pleasure, create a performance that our guests will not soon forget. The investment placed huge emphasis on our product and gave us lots of media attention, which normally would be priceless ... Simply because it felt right.

So if you ask me what kind of Entrepreneur I am? ... "One with Intuition!"

André Rieu


Every year André Rieu conducts about 120 concerts in several countries all over the world. The André Rieu Production Company employs 120 people including his wife Marjorie and son Pierre. He belongs to the Top Ten Best Selling Traveling Artists in The World. Currently he places sixth, in front of well known world artists like Britney Spears, Coldplay and Beyoncé.

Our sincere thanks to Ruud and Ineke for sending us this article with the Exclusive Permission of "Eigen Bedrijf Magazine" for The Harmony Parlor! And to John for his Expert Translation!


  1. Thank you for another great team effort Sue, John, Ineke and Ruud.

    An interesting article and I look forward to reading further instalments.


  2. Nice job on the article! Thank goodness for intuition!

  3. Margaret S aka Mother Superior26 February, 2010

    I echo Jann's sentiments. Thanks John, Sue, Ineke & Ruud for yet another André-interest article.

  4. I also echo Jann's and Mother Superiors sentiments. many thanks to John, Sue, Ineke & Ruud for their tirless efforts in bringing these articles to us. Congrats.
