May 20, 2010

André Rieu To Appear On The US "Today Show"

André Rieu Open Air Concert on USA 'The Today Show'

May 2010: The Netherlands' biggest musical export product André Rieu continues to hammer the road with his international expansion. His latest chapter will be an appearance on "The Today Show", one of America's largest U.S. Television Programs.

Rieu will conduct an open air concert on the Rockefeller Plaza in the middle of New York City right outside the Today Show. During the show, cameras will frequently switch over to Rieu's concert. Bruce Springsteen recently undertook a similar free concert for The Today Show. Rieu said that he is very delighted to have this promotional opportunity.

UPDATE: As of May 21,2010 we have learned that André will be on the "Today Show" Wednesday June 16, 2010. It will be perfect to see people waltz on Rockefeller Plaza. And of course André will want all his fans there to show America their enthusiasm!!

Let's hope this will be André's big breakthrough in the USA!!!!!!!

20 May 2010: I found this in two different Dutch Newspaper articles. I did call the Today Show (scheduling Dept.) and right now, the Scheduling Dept. does not have André listed to appear. BUT they said that if he has just been signed on and everything is not yet finalized, it would not be in their system yet and to keep checking back ... we will keep you updated. This is exciting news!!!

Thanks to John for ©Translating this!


  1. Anonymous20 May, 2010

    WOW!! This is the best news I have heard this year!!

  2. Mary Webster20 May, 2010

    That would be fantastic for him and the JSO.

  3. Mary Webster20 May, 2010

    That would be fantastic for him.

  4. Anonymous20 May, 2010

    Oh, I hope this happens!! What great publicity for him. And I hope it happens on June 18 when I will be in New York City! Do I dare take a subway to Rockefeller Center at 5 am???? ~Kay

  5. Anonymous21 May, 2010

    Such fantastic news.
    I hope it will be that day, too, Kay.
    As I wrote to the Atlantic City fans/concert attendees on my list, I think everyone that can possibly get to Rockefeller Center should go so he/we aren't embarrassed by few fans.
    The Rock bands get an incredible amount of support and whereas this will be great advertising for Andre, most people in this country have never heard of him.
    We will probably drive in, but may take public transportation. No matter how we get there...
    It will be worth it!!!!!

  6. Anonymous21 May, 2010

    Andre will be on the Today show on June 16. I just received an email. I am sure he would love to have his fans waltzing on Rockefeller Plaza.

  7. Yeah!!!! I definitely have the morning of June 16 blocked now on my calendar! I hope lots of fans are able to be in the audience!

  8. Anonymous21 May, 2010

    I'll have my DVR set!! I do hope he has a big crowd with lots of cheering, swaying and waltzing!! He deserves our support. ~Kay

  9. Anonymous21 May, 2010

    Great news. Thisnis the break that André has been waiting for and is so well deserved. My VCR is set too already. Sure would love to be there in NYC.

  10. Anonymous21 May, 2010

    This is the best news that we could receive .
    You know that many of us will be there. (waltzing)


  11. Mary Webster22 May, 2010

    I wonder if Entertainment Tonight could put a camera there?? They did a story on Susan Boyle why not Andre!!
