May 20, 2010

André Rieu "Unique" New Book Being Released May 29th

André Rieu King of The Waltz
AD Celebrates 30 Years of André Rieu With a Unique Book and DVD

May 21, 2010: We received this Press Release from Irene Frankhuijzen of the AD (Dutch) Newspaper. She sent it to us in Dutch and English, but I am just posting the English version on The Parlor ...

André Rieu celebrates his 30th Anniversary this year.Together with “the King of The Waltz”, the Dutch newspaper AD decided to release a unique book and DVD with an overview of 30 years André Rieu reproduced in text and photos. The DVD shows never displayed material of Concerts of André Rieu.

Everything about this unique release can be read in the AD of the 29th of May or on the website . The preface of the book is written by the Dutch well known presenter 'Ivo Niehe'. This collectors item “André Rieu, Koning van de Wals” is a hardcover book containing 100 pages of visuals and background stories of the succesful career of André Rieu. With in the back a special DVD with material from his fantastic career.

Costs of this collectors item are only €7,95. It is possible to order the book and DVD on from the 29th of May until the 6th of June. It will be delivered before the 14th of August.

We are checking now to see if and how it can be ordered for those of us not living in the Netherlands who want it. We will update that information soon ... Update: if you look at the post above here you will see where you can order the book through Ruud and Ineke's Website.


  1. Anonymous21 May, 2010

    This sure sounds great.
    Could you determine if it will be in book shops in Maastricht this summer?
    Thanks for posting, Sue.

  2. Mary Webster21 May, 2010

    I agree with Laurie,it sure does sound great. I am in Australia and would love to have it. Thanks for the posting Sue.

  3. Anonymous21 May, 2010

    The book is an offering from a Dutch newspaper. With permission from Andre and Co. So it will only be in Dutch and can only be ordered from the May 29 and after June 6 you can no longer order it. It will not be available in stores. The DVD holds clips that have not been seen before.

  4. Anonymous21 May, 2010

    I would also love to get a copy if you can find out how we can order it.

  5. Such a special publication at this price, I would love to get one even if it's in the universal language #%*@#%*@ (Oh! Here comes Alice again...). I'm sure I can understand the pictures!

  6. Anonymous22 May, 2010

    The DVD and photos would be well worth the price even if we can't read the words. Sure hope there's a way for us "foreigners" to order it. ~Kay
