Jun 12, 2010

André Rieu Photos of Mainau Concert

Here are a few photos that Adele took at the Concert on Mainau ... she said the Concert was fantastic and she is going to make a photoshow from all her pictures. We'll post it on the Parlor when she gets it done ...


  1. Thank you Adele for giving us a "sneak peek" of the Mainau concert. And thanks, Sue, for posting the photos. Looking forward to the photo show. Hope you're back home now safe and sound.

  2. I love the photo of Bela with André in the background ~ I wish I could put it on here bigger, but even at this size it good.

    Great shot Adele!! :)

  3. Anonymous12 June, 2010

    Thanks Adele, looks like another fantastic Andre concert and get together of Andre fans/friends. Wished I could have been there. Looking forward to your photo show. See you in Maastricht.

  4. Anonymous12 June, 2010

    Thanks, Adele, great pictures! I will be looking forward to the photo show. And thanks, Sue, for posting them!

