Jun 11, 2010

For Those Going to See André Rieu on The Today Show

Here is all the information for the TODAY SHOW that Laurie has compiled now from different sources. To those of you that are going we'll be watching for you and have fun!!

Soundcheck: probably at 7 a.m. Orchestra appearance will be at the 8:30 time slot, but if it's like the other concerts, they will introduce him prior to that and maybe more than once, when Matt Lauer, Meredith Viera, Al Roker and possibly Ann Curry and Natalie Morales are out on the Plaza at "the line."

Directions to Rockefeller Plaza:
Go to 48th Street between 5th and 6th Avenues. (You can also enter on 49th Street, but the line entering the Plaza begins on 48th Street.

Transportation Parking Garages nearby for auto driving.
Taxi Driver will know where to go.
Subway Get off at Rockefeller Center
Hotel Close by facility and Hotel can give you directions.

Arrival Time: It is BEST to arrive by 6 a.m., though if it's impossible to arrive by that time, being a "slow" weekday concert, I am fairly sure that you can get in. Kay's daughter, Stephanie, went to Dave Matthews (very large Friday concert. Known band -- She arrived at 6 a.m. Got in but wasn't in the front row.

Facility: No chairs allowed, so wear comfortable shoes.
Pouring rain - The concert goes on though JSO will be covered, but not the audience. Kay's daughter, Stephanie, experienced that. MaryAnn was told by Today Show staff that the audience uses umbrellas. They are allowed in fact encouraged.

Many thanks to Kay, who has attended one of the Friday concerts along with her daughters for her sharing their expertise. And her niece formerly worked at NBC, though is in London currently.
She remembers lining up on the sidewalk at the side of the studio until they opened up the area. She's sure that André will appreciate his dedicated fans. The earlier you get there, the better. The early ones get the good viewing spots and can be seen better by André and the JSO as well.

Bring signs & banners in order to get André (& JSO's) name out there. And if you have concert scarves, they show off the name André Rieu' well. If you have an André Rieu sweatshirt (from past years) and it's not too hot, don't be afraid to wear that either. Any thing that has large pictures of André on them! And Alice's Flags will show interest!! The "Buttons" will be seen as well and certainly will be noticed by the Today staff and the people on the line that don't know of André.

Let's show everyone in America that doesn't know of André and the JSO our support of them!!! ... Laurie


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