Jul 7, 2010

André Rieu Gives Way To World Cup Soccer Finals

Photo taken this morning by Al Girard

André Rieu's Maastricht Sunday Concert Moved to The Afternoon!
Maastricht: André Rieu gives way for the finals of the World Championship Soccer. The Concert of Sunday evening will be re-scheduled to 1:00 PM in the afternoon. This is due to the fact that The Netherlands will play in the finals in South Africa. After the concert, the square will be cleared to make room for the "Orange Fans". The chairs for the spectators and at the terraces will be removed. The stage will remain and will be shielded. If the finals will be shown on the big screens is still not clear. André clearly would like that, but the Maastricht city council does not want to give permission.
From Ineke: The weather prediction for the weekend is warm and dry, around 30* Celsius (about 85* Fahrenheit), which is a heat wave for Holland. The Rieu company will provide 'Sun Hats' and 'Water' for the audience on Sunday afternoon ...
Thanks to Ruud for translating and sending this to us and Al for sending the Photo of the Vrijthof! As most know now, game will be Netherlands/Spain.

Small Update: I have just read in an article that André said there will be no change in the program as he would have done if the concert was AFTER the game. The Sunday afternoon Concert will be the same program as all of the concerts.


  1. My Gosh ~ It is going to be SO Orange in Maastricht this weekend and how exciting for those who will be there! :)

  2. The weather prediction for the weekend is: warm and dry, around 30degrees Celsius, which is a heat wave for Holland. The Rieu company will provide sun hats and water for the audience on Sunday afternoon! Guests of the DuCasque Hotel: bring ear plugs, for you are in the city center with a lot of bars around!! They may celebrate all night long!

  3. Concert in the afternoon means no fireworks?? Hmmmm....I don't like that...but then changes are made for a good cause....so Dutch fans can watch both the concert and the final match, and André fans can "evacuate" before the soccer party begins!
    I sure hope for the best!

  4. OK ~ We have to see some photos of you all in your Sun Hats at the concert!!!! ;-)

  5. Anonymous07 July, 2010

    It sounds like a Wild ORANGE Week-end in Maastricht! Especially if they win (or should I say WHEN they win!) Can't wait to see all the photos and stories!


  6. It sure is Eileen ~ I think this might just be the biggest weekend Maastricht has ever seen!:)

    I thought about all the fireworks and lighting too Alice, but I have a feeling he's going to do that "adapted" concert he was talking about doing after the game still. And on the bright side ... we'll be able to see it on the Webcam where as at night with the lights the Webcam gets washed out!

  7. Anonymous07 July, 2010

    Gosh, Sue, I hadn't thought about the fact that we would be able see the concert better during the day! So sorry that you aren't in Maastricht,too. I do hope things go well for you at home.


  8. Anonymous07 July, 2010

    Boy, quite a lot of excitement this week which I'll miss. It'll be interesting to see Maastricht next week and I'm looking for something orange to wear. Have to be in the spirit and I hope the Netherlands do win. Sue, I'll miss seeing you there if only for a moment. Thanks for all you do and best wishes sent you and your family.


  9. It will be interesting what you see Martha with all the circus of the game over ... I will miss seeing you too, but have lots of fun and we look forward to hearing about it!! Sue

  10. Anonymous07 July, 2010

    Hi Sue, my mistake I forgot to sign my name the first time but nevertheless Virginia and I will be staying in the same hotel again this year.


  11. When I read the first one I thought it was Virginia as I knew she was going the second week too.

    Thank you and both of you have fun!! :)

  12. Mary Webster07 July, 2010

    Go the Netherands, I really hope you win.

    Mary. Melbourne Australia

  13. Mary Webster07 July, 2010

    Sorry left out the 'L' Go the NETHERLANDS

    Mary. Melbourne Australia

  14. How exciting to be in Holland at the moment - Mrs. Ed, Val & Graham, Helen & Richard (members of Andre's Victorian Friendship Group)are right there in the midst of it all - can't wait to see photos and hear all about it!
    cheeRIEU from Val.
    PS. Go Holland!

  15. Anonymous24 July, 2010

    I just read about this article well after the soccer game.
    We attended the concert in the fantastic MECC (with no air conditioning) and I don't think I've experienced such heat -- ever.
    Andre's staff placed fans on each seat and an orange hat on every second chair.
    The concert was stupendous with everything included plus more. Both the BerlinComedians (first night encores) and DJ Otzi were featured. And we had a European style indoor concert with 98 gorgeous chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Never got that over here and probably never will.
    Such a treat that we had tickets for Sunday. Wouldn't want to miss that for the world.

