Jul 9, 2010

Photos of André Rieu Concert in Maastricht 2010

Dress Rehearsal Photos of Maastricht by Al Girard
Click on link to see Wonderful Photos taken by Al Girard at Rehearsal last night. http://harmonyparlorphotos.blogspot.com/1972_11_01_archive.html#7449796623265253285

André doing the German text for ZDF at Rehearsal. On the left he's trying to think of his line. From the pictures that Al wrote on, they sing African Dream, Kimmy sings 'Ave Maria', Carmen sings 'Carmen' and Mirusia sings 'Midnight' from Cats. Also the Children's Choir from SA sings 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight', just to name a few.


  1. Anonymous09 July, 2010

    Thanks Al, love the photos and can't wait to get there. It seems this will be a fantastic production. Thanks Sue for keeping us updated on postings. I'm looking forward to the newness.


  2. Margaret S aka Mother Superior09 July, 2010

    Great photos Al. Thanks for the sneak peek. And to Sue for the swift posting!

  3. WHOA! Al..VERY nice pics!
    Keep the camera for a little longer!

  4. They are GREAT photos Al and Thank You so much for taking time while you're in Maastricht to send them for all of us at home to see. I know how hard it is to tear yourself away from all the fun things going on to work on the laptop!!

    A BIG THANKS TO YOU!!!! :)

  5. Thank you Al for the magnificent photos. I received a text message from Mrs. Ed, 2nd front row at the dress rehersal, OMG, was she excited! Now I can reply to her and know exactly what she is talking about. Can't wait for the 18th July and the LIVE coverage into Australia.
    Thanks also to Sue & Co. for your great work.
    cheeRIEU from Val (& Vic. F.G.)

  6. Anonymous09 July, 2010

    WoW! love these photos... thank you Al, and Sue for showing us.
    Mrs Ed, lucky lucky girl!! can't wait to catch up with her in October and hear about everything, meanwhile we have July 18th coming up - fantastic!!!!


  7. Mary Webster09 July, 2010

    Thank you all so much for the lovely photos.The backdrops are beautiful.
    Can’t wait for the live coverage in Australia Sunday 18th.

  8. Fantastic photos Al!! Thanks for getting them to Sue so quickly and thanks, Sue, for posting them. Can't wait to see more!! You must have been up very late last night!
