Aug 21, 2010

Romantic Europe Cruise and Meet André Rieu

A Romantic Cruise in Europe and Meet André Rieu
THE TOUR includes admission to two wonderful André Rieu concerts, given in his two favorite venues, Vienna, Austria, the birthplace of the enchanting ambience conjured up by his music, and Maastricht in the Netherlands, his beloved hometown. If you have never seen the maestro live, you are about to find out that he really means it when he says music is a magnificent obsession in his life.
Experience Maastricht's rich culture, soak up its unique atmosphere, history and architecture and you'll realize why André Rieu waxes so lyrically about his hometown. Anyone spending a summer's day enjoying its sedate and friendly ambiance will understand how this small city with a population of just 120,000 can attract over 2.5 million visitors every year to enjoy its hospitality. Wander through its cobbled streets, stop for coffee and 'vlaai', the delicious local specialty of fruit pie, at one of the many sidewalk cafés or bars. These won't be difficult to find either; no other Dutch city has as many bars per square mile as Maastricht! But the icing on the cake of your visit will surely be your second chance to enjoy an André Rieu concert, but this time he'll be playing to a largely home crowd. Just like Vienna, playing in Maastricht occupies a special place in his heart, and it always shows.
Click here to read more and ALL the information on the Cruise:


  1. Here it is! The Dream Cruise. When I planned for Maastricht 2009, I actually compared the sailing dates of several river cruises, see if we could fit anything together, but the price for July was a lot more, that we could have made another trip with that extra money, then of course at the cruise! I already quit my previous job so I could do some real vacation with my parents, I'm afraid I can't afford to do that again this soon:( But for those with lots of $ and holiday, this would be such a unique adventure! An André Rieu cruise! WHOWWWW!

  2. It would be fun, but not too many can afford this. It starts at $15.000 per person. That is way too steep for my taste. to be honest even if I did have that kind of money I would not spend it on that.

  3. It does sound wonderful! I suppose if you were to book all of that separately, it would cost at least that much, or more. But like most - way too steep for me, too, for one trip. Ahhhh, one can dream. :D

  4. I am in agreement with both Alice and Chris, it is way over anything I could possibly afford without a lottery win, but it sounds incredible, a trip of a life time and everything organised for you which I really like, and meet André as well. I would do it in the blink of an eye if I could. To anyone who gets to go, have an amazing trip.Steph
