Aug 30, 2010

RTL4 Interview With Pierre Rieu on André Rieu's Illness

In the Dutch RTL4 program Boulevard of Monday August 30, 2010, Pierre tells a bit more about the illness of his father André Rieu. His hard work in the recent past has affected his condition and made him susceptible to the virus infection he has at this moment. Doctors predict that this discomfort lasts for two to three weeks, so in a week or so he will be back to work. A bit of rest, medicine and comfort from the people around him is all he needs ... Ruud
Click on the link to hear the interview with English Subtitles: ►


  1. Thanks to Ineke & Ruud for enabling us to hear this interview of Pierre's about how Andre is doing.

  2. Mary Webster30 August, 2010

    I too thank Ineke & Ruud. To hear from someone so close to André is nice.

  3. Thanks Ruud, Ineke & Sue for getting this news to us so quickly. Although André is not happy about having to cancel the concerts, he sounds like he's on the road to recovery and that's very good news.

  4. Thanks Ineke & Ruud for the translation. We have been terribly worried about Andre's health and to hear that Interview with Pierre has gone someway toward putting our collective minds at rest. Fingers crossed he will soon make a full recovery.
    cheeRIEU from Val & Vic Friendship Group

  5. Dear, dear Andre, Please do not be anxious about us, your fans. We appreciate your concern, but you must concentrate on getting well. Fretting will not help you. We will be here when you return. Please KNOW you are loved, loved, loved.
    Praying for you.

  6. I hope André isn't tooooo angry anymore though Pierre said he was. Wouldn't we all rather see him taking it easy, just relax and recover? He has numerous concerts coming up including back to UK and first time in Mexico. He's got to be patient!
