Sep 20, 2010

André Rieu Cancels UK and Australian Tours Due to Illness

André Rieu Cancels UK and Australian Tours Due to Illness

Dear fans, unfortunately André hasn't recovered enough yet to be able to do the UK and Australian tour. We have to postpone these to early next year. A new date will be announced as soon as possible. Thank your very much for your understanding and sorry for the inconvenience!
From André Rieu's Facebook


  1. Very upset indeed to hear that Andre is so unwell that he has to cancel. He must be really devastated. I was so looking forward to my first JSO concert on Thursday, but it is much more important that he gets himself really well again, for himself and his family as well as for his millions of fans. I'm sure we all want the best for him and are sending our best wishes and much love for a first class and total recovery.

  2. Now I am really concerned! What a disapoinment for those who have made concert plans, and also for Andre, his family and the JSO! I hope and pray he gets well soon and is able to continue touring and making beautiful music for the world.


  3. I totally agree with what my sister (GillWeb) said above. I'm desperately disappointed that we won't be seeing Andre on Thursday, but the most important thing is that he rests and gets well again. We want to see him back to full health so that we can all enjoy his wonderful music again. We are all sending Andre much love and best wishes and thank his family for taking such good care of him.


  4. Steph Padgett20 September, 2010

    Its so upsetting to know that André is still so ill when we all thought he was ok. Its a shame we in the Uk will have to wait a bit longer to have the pleasure of this wonderful man and his orchestra but HIS health is more important to us. Love and prayers for a speedy recovery André.Hope he gets well soon.

  5. The news today was a shock to say the least and my heart goes out to all those who were anitcipating the upcoming concerts in the UK and Australia ... having said that though, it is nothing compared to what André is going through right now. Not even just his health but to have on his shoulders all the people he feels he is letting down from fans to Orhestra members. It's like he's living his worst nightmare ... I wish him all the best and hope he takes all the time he needs to get well ... we'll be here waiting when he returns ... Sue

  6. Oh our dear Andre. He will be truly devastated. Our collective Australian hearts go out to him. We wish him all the best. He must take the time to get well - we will be here waiting for him whenever he is ready. Thanks Ineke for letting me know, I must admit I am in shock and so upset at the thought of Andre being so unwell. love & best wishes to you Maestro from Val & the Victorian Friendship Group :(

  7. I was also shocked to hear that he's still too sick to perform. I am very concerned about him as he should be over a viral infection by now.
    My thoughts are with him and his family and hope he's not sicker than we're being told.
    I know how disappointed his fans in the UK and Australia must be. My biggest concern is that he just gets well!!!

  8. I have similar thoughts to Sherrie; Andre must be very sick. I do hope he is OK because I know of several people our age (Andre 1949 me 1950) not travelling too well at present.

    I do hope Andre can reschedule the tour but in any case we can look forward to seeing him here again in 2011?

    I wonder if those of us have purchased tickets will be entitled to a refund?

    Paul in Melbourne (Australia)

  9. This is very sad and disappointing to hear, but I go along with Pauls query. If the concert is resheduled to early next year do we get the opportunity to get a refund if we cant go. Its fine to reschedule a concert to suit his agenda BUT a refund should be given if people have made other arrangements for travel/commitments next year. I think this time Andres company should give an explanation and opportunity for refund.

  10. steph padgett20 September, 2010

    Kate and Paul, having spoken to the ticket sellar yesterday when Isaw Pierre's tweet, minutes after posting, and nothing anywhere else, they confirmed the postponement of the concerts and that tickets a valid for the date but if you are unable to attend that date you get a FULL REFUND.As is usually the case with André Rieu.

  11. Dearest Andre,
    It is very disturbing to hear of your continued ill health. I know this must be very difficult for you, but, you must rest and let your body recover. Your fans understand and will always love you. Please get well.I am praying for you all the time.
    Love, Susan.

  12. Yes, of course!! Andre always gives a full refund for tickets, don't worry about the money, that will be okay. Yesterday was an RTL Boulevard item on Dutch TV about Andre's illness. It said he could not give an interview because he was too emotional. He really must be devestated!! We work on the translation and subtitles to post on our website.

  13. Awwwwww, thanks for that little update, Ineke. That really tugs at your heart, doesn't it?

  14. Andre will be very emotional about all these events - he is an emotional, caring man. It is so distressing for him and his family. All we can do is offer him our love and support and hope and pray he recovers. At this stage, I am not even thinking about his concerts, just his health. It upsets me terribly to read Ineke's comments that he couldn't do the interview, he was so emotional - I could cry thinking about it. So sad. cheeRIEU from Val.

  15. Ineke, It looks like something similar to what you were talking about now posted on Andre's site - on the second page, right you press "enter my site."

  16. Oh dear too late, my tear already rolled out while reading Ineke's posting! Sooo heartbroken...maybe we should stop asking what's wrong with André, and think about what's right for HIM! Being upset would only make things worse, hope he'll get over it soon and just be a happy opa!

  17. It is indeed a sad and distressing time for André.He certainly does not like letting people down -
    this means audiences and of course his orchestra, and all of those people who are employed by him.
    Without a doubt, André is a unique person in what he does, and how he does it. He has put entertainment into the highest level-and all his admirers appreciate this.
    With the cancellation of the UK concert tour being so late, it is obvious that André thought he was capable of performing the tour.
    Wear and tear on him has shown otherwise.Looking at his agenda - it is nearly always full with little room to manoeuvre - he needs to slow down and take more care of himself. He has far too much responsibilty to contend with - we know this is the kind of man he is.I am sure Pierre has been in consultion with his mother and that both of them will be giving André some very sound advice.He is so lucky to have a level headed son and such a supporting wife.
    Let us hope he listens to them.
    André will need to recover completely from whatever illness he has - and until that point has been reached he should not even try to perform. Audiences will understand this and have the patience required to await his return, even if it means more concerts may have to be postponed, or even cancelled.
    Please take care André, we need you - but we need you in one piece and in good health.
    Mike Connelly

  18. Fantastic comments Mike, I agree wholeheartedly with everything you have written. cheeRIEU from Val & Vic. Friendship Group

  19. Very dissapointed not to be seeing andre on Wednesday. Get well soon hope to see you next year.

  20. Mary Webster21 September, 2010

    It is almost 7pm Tuesday in Australia and the first time I have been on the computer today and am so sad, shocked and disappointed to read André has had to cancel the UK and Australian tours. I had started my countdown from the 17th September, I was so looking forward to seeing him on the 17th of October. But I have always said when people were annoyed about Vienna, HE and HIS health comes first. He hasn’t let us down we only want what is best for him, one can’t help being ill. Our love, thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery are with him and his family.

  21. Very upset to hear Andre is so unwell I pray he is resting and not concerned about his fans, we only wish him to rest and get well. best wishes to him and his family sending my love trish
