Oct 7, 2010

ANDRÉ RIEU Writes of Reactions After The Vrijthof Concerts

Reactions After The Vrijthof Concerts ~ A Warm Shower

The October/November Column by André Rieu: This past summer I had time to enjoy the reactions of my eight concerts on the Vrijthof square. They were more overwhelming than ever; they felt like a warm shower. We received a lot of letters with the meaning that "a warm and positive wave had gone through Maastricht". That really touches me. Marjorie and I are very proud that we can bring about such happy feelings to so many people. There is already a lot of misery in the world and it is then great to notice how our music lifts people up. The audience literally received a warm shower on the first Saturday night on the Vrijthof, which fortunately started only halfway through the encores and with the temperature above 30 degrees C, it was bearable. But with the heat wave, and also the final match of the Netherlands in the World Cup Soccer, it was not so easy for the City council and us to make the right decisions: to move the first Sunday concert from the evening to the afternoon and from the Vrijthof to the MECC. But I think we finally made the right choice.
We also noticed that people come from all over the world to Maastricht for our concerts. Not only from the Netherlands and Belgium, but really from all over the world, from Brazil to New Zealand. Not too bad for the image of Maastricht and the entire region, I think. The children, who we brought over from South Africa to perform, really had the time of their lives. I still receive letters from them daily. Like, "I was that girl standing next to you and I think you are an amazing man". That really touches me, great!
We are already looking forward towards the preparations of the Vrijthof concerts in 2011. But obviously we are not that far along yet. There is still a lot on our program.
We are recording an Autumn Special on the beautiful flower island of Mainau, for the German TV station ZDF. After that we have our very important tour through England, with an opening concert in the infamous O2 Arena in London. We have been to Great Britain before, but this will be our first big tour of which we expect a lot. Next, for the third time, we will go to Australia. That's always exciting, if just only for the distances. The audience is always very ecstatic, so it is very nice to perform there.
After that, a new challenge is awaiting us: Mexico. That in fact will be the kickoff for we hope, possibly more tours in Latin America. The reactions from Mexico are already heartwarming; they apparently have been waiting for us for years, so that looks promising!
Yes, and then for the first time in my 32 year career I had to cancel and reschedule three concerts in Heerenveen and Amsterdam, because I was ill for a few weeks due to a viral infection in my inner ear, which wanted to conquer me. I am not used to that and I become impatient and angry. But to the virus, that does not really matter. Only medications and lots of rest can chase that away. That's nothing for me, but I have no other choice. My illness started in the only single week that I promised myself a holiday (at home). Marjorie's analysis was very clear: "Holidays are not for you, you only become ill" ... "I fear she is right!!"

André Rieu
Thanks to Ineke for sending this and John for his copyright ©Translation


  1. It is soo good to see the lovely photo of you and that magnificent cake, Andre! It is also wonderful you are feeling better and your fabulous smile is back.
    Hoping and praying for your complete recovery.
    <3 ~ <3 ~ <3
    P.S. I really enjoyed the African children. They were having the time of their lives!

  2. I was there, for that "warm shower". It was really very refreshing. I didn't even put the rain slicker on! That was a pleasure compared to the heat the next day at MECC. Good thing that Andre provided his guests with their own personal little fans.


  3. Dear Andre, we are pleased to hear you are feeling much better,with all your plans for next year's concerts,but don't over do things we are happy that you will be in Melbourne 2011&with the Seekers we will be celebrating our 50th.wedding Anniversay with you all 6 months early a fantastic way to share with you all til May next year Andre from your very dear Melbourne Fans Barbara&Ernest Schneider luv you
