May 13, 2011

Jann's André Rieu Concert in Melbourne

Jann's Concert in Melbourne Last Night

This evening's concert was a fun night with several pleasant surprises and there were many happy familiar faces in the audience and André was in good spirits. André show-cased three of the JSO with solo performances - Tonja, Leon and Manoe, Tonja's performance of "The Swan" was moving and Mirusia received a standing ovation for her rendition of "Time to Say Goodbye" - naturally we were treated to "Aussie Aussie Aussie - Oy Oy Oy", and André beat Mirusia to it !!!
Alas, the random snowflakes escaping gave away what was to happen and it was right above our heads and when it dumped, it dumped big time, much of this was scooped up and shared with our friends sitting in the front row ... it's good to share LOL.
Another surprise was the break in routine of heading down the front when they played the Radetsky March and releasing the balloons. Everything erupted just prior to the Seekers performance who treated us to four of their songs - "Georgie Girl", "The Carnival is Over", "There Will Never be Another You" and "We are Australian". It was a magical performance with everyone in the Arena singing along and huge smiles on everyone's faces on stage and off.
André spoiled us with the Encore's tonight and the camaraderie in front of stage was the best I've experienced outside of Maastricht. Many photo's were taken and no doubt they will be all sent along to Sue as everyone gets home to their computers ... I am so pleased we went tonight - we really enjoyed the concert !!!! ... Jann :)
Thanks to Margaret (MS) for the Singing Mosh Pit Photos!


  1. Anonymous11 May, 2011

    Nice report Jann, enjoyed reading your experiences. Happy to hear you had a super time and may we say M Male is looking good.

    BB & BJ

  2. Cute pictures, Jann! Glad to see that MM went with you and that you had such a nice time! How lucky that your seats were in the heart of the blizzard ;-).

  3. How fun! I think the snow we had @ Rogers Centre 2007 was much less but I managed to find some in my camera bag the next morning. You sure captured a very memorable experience by putting some on Gary :)

  4. Hi Jann!!
    Nice yo see that you and your hubby had such a wonderful night with Andre and JSO!!!

  5. We had an absolute ball last night. Great concert great audience GREAT SEATS and above all GREAT FRIENDSHIP. Thanks again everyone. 2 down 4 to go!!!!!

  6. LOL the perfect word Chris - a "blizzard" it was - it even got inside our clothing and now we have it trailing from one end of the house to the next.
    I really did enjoy sharing it with those who didn't get dumped on !!!

  7. LOVL JANN. I'm still finding it too thanks to you!!!!!

  8. Thanks, Jann, for the great report. Attending concerts with your Andre friends makes it oh so special. Glad you all had such a great time and thanks for sharing it with us.

  9. LOL, Margaret and her sneaky camera. Not to mention Madame Sunshine putting it all together ... I have great visuals of the two of them "rubbing their hands together" and chuckling with "glee" !!!

    Well, all I can say is "pffff-T" - it was a great concert, surrounded by many friends and I enjoyed every minute down in the mosh-pit SINGING my heart out and having lots of fun. Best concert I've been to outside of Maastricht ...:)

  10. Anonymous16 May, 2011

    All I can say is "What a good lookin' bunch".


  11. Andre may have beat Mirusia to saying Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi, but yours truly was the one who yelled our Aussie Aussie Aussie first - :) I was so chuffed that Andre responded. This was on Wednesday night. I got some very bizarre looks of disapproval from some people sitting next to me.
