Jul 9, 2011

André Rieu on The Vrijthof 2011

From Saint Servaas Pilgrimage to André Rieu Worship

MAASTRICHT AKTUEEL: July 7, 2011 One pilgrimage is still ongoing and the next has already been announced. Until Sunday, the people of Maastricht can still enjoy the program of the "Heiligdomsvaart" (a large religious feast that occurs once in 7 years). For example, tomorrow the concert of The London Community Gospel Choir on "Square 1992" in Maastricht.
And today, on the square of squares the Vrijthof, preparations started for the six-day worship of the new Saint of Maastricht, André Rieu. At the foot of the Temple of the first Saint of the City, Saint Servaas, already canonized by his fans around the world, artist André Rieu is building his own temple. Next Friday, July 15th, the concerts of Rieu and his Strauss Orchestra will start.
Thanks to Suzy for this article and Ineke for translating it


  1. Steph Padgett09 July, 2011

    I love that, it is funny but so true to his fans around the world he is a saint! We all love him and what he does.

  2. I loved it too Steph ... When reading it I thought, Yes!~ somebody finally gets it!! lol
    He is our "Saint of Music"! :)
