Jul 9, 2011

Anthony Hopkins Congratulates Bela Mavrak

Anthony Hopkins Congratulates Bela Mavrak

HUNGARY: Last Sunday, opera singer Bela Mavrak was present at the Belvedere Castle where the 'King of Waltz', André Rieu met with the world famous actor Sir Anthony Hopkins.
Before Hopkins was a Hollywood actor, he studied music and has composed a waltz that will be performed for the first time, by André Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra.
Mavrak was very surprised that Anthony Hopkins knew all about him. Hopkins congratulated Bela for his wonderful voice and success. The next day they all had breakfast together in the Belvedere Castle.
Mavrak recorded his CD "Buena Vista", with a band from Cuba, last Autumn.
NOTE: This appeared in a Hungarian Newspaper. Kathi from the German Fansite has a Hungarian father who translated it for her into German. Kathi then sent it in German to Ineke who translated it into English for us! ♫


  1. Steph Padgett09 July, 2011

    That must have been something for Bela! Big thanks to everybody who translated the article.

  2. Isn't it amazing, our world wide cooperation of fan website hosts?
    From Hungary, to Germany, to Holland, to the USA??
    I love it!!

  3. Anonymous09 July, 2011

    ah, you missed this one:

    and this one!


  4. Hi Shaun,
    We cannot post any article, certainly not when it is about the same subject. We did read the articles but we have to make a selection. We don't want the website to get boring, isn't it???
