Dec 20, 2011

Live Interview With André Rieu

Live Interview With André Rieu 
André Rieu did a live Chat for Prive with Wilma Nanniga. During the live chat interview excerpts of the new Christmas DVD are shown and is going to be a fantastic DVD. This will again be a "MUST HAVE" DVD ... Bobbie
(No Subtitles yet, but Ineke and Ruud will soon post it with subtitles!)


  1. An animated interview. We are spoilt though. I missed the subtitles translations! Guess it would be a big job translating this one. I enjoyed it anyway.
    Lois Little Melbourne Australia

  2. Yes, we're very spoilt, with the subtitles. Maybe I'd better start to learn some Dutch LOL!

  3. Hi friends, we are working on the subtitles. Soon to be seen on the Movies site, as usual. This is an interview of 30 minutes, that's a lot of talking and a lot of translating. Just for fun: Can you estimate how many hours we spent on such a translation of 30 minutes,have the language checked,add the subtitles in the video and post it on the website? Ineke,John and Ruud's work all together? Tell us what you think..... Ineke.

  4. What an amazing interview - oh! how I wish I could speak and understand the language.
    The clips of the new DVD look simply stunning. What a treat is in store. I hope it will be for Region 1.
    Thank you to all concerned,

  5. I won't guess how many hours it takes you guys Ineke because I know. But I agree with the others, you have Spoiled us!! :) It was nice eo be able to look at this video, but we are so use to turnting them on the the English subtitles popping up!

    Thank You,to you, Ruud and John!!!!

  6. Triptych!

    Ruben ;)

  7. Marjorie came up with the idea of Christmas at home with André, when his record label said he should make a christmas dvd for the American market as they love christmas so much. It will be on tv next year. (also on German tv)

    And the rest (again some very cute stories about Marjorie and how it opened his mind for a whole new life. Sweet!) you can read when the translators have done their noble duty!!



  8. Sounds really cute Ruben, can't wait for the English subtitles! :)

  9. Hi Ruben! You can understand Dutch!!! The Special will be broadcast on German TV this year Chistmas Eve (Dec. 24)! And on Dutch TV on Dec. 28. So you don't have to wait till next year! The DVD will be released in the USA (and I guess all over the world) next year!

  10. I could pick out enough Dutch words to get an idea of what he was talking about, but not what he was saying. Gonna have to order the next two levels of Rosetta Stone I guess :). The Christmas special looks amazing!! Can't wait to see it! Is he really throwing eggs across the kitchen?? Looks like they all had a lot of fun filming this, but I wouldn't want to clean up after him!!

    Thanks to all of you for posting this and for the hard work of translating, etc. that is going on now. I so appreciate you all!

  11. Just to look at Andre was enough for me!! (almost!!)
    Although understanding the interview of course will be fantastic.
    Amazing to be able to translate what is said - the mind boggles!!
    Sue & John, Ineke & Ruud, you are all fantastic and we'd be lost without you.
    Merry Christmas from Melbourne!
    cheeRIEU, Val xx :)
