Dec 21, 2011


We have a small Christmas competion for you! Just for fun. People who have never studied a second language, have no idea. The person with the right answer can win the new Andre Rieu Magazine, the new glossy! Although it is only written in Dutch, it is worth while to watch the photos. And in time we'll translate a few chapters. The question to you is: How many hours do you think Ruud, John and I all together, need, to post a 30 minutes interview on our website with subtitles? (Like the recent live chat we are working on). I mean: move the video to our computer (Ruud), do the translation (Ineke), check the language (John), do the technical things to prepare (Ruud), drag the subtitles into the video (Ineke), post it on our website (Ruud). The person with the right answer (how many hours do we need for a 30 minutes talkshow/interview) will receive the glossy in the new year! You can respond in our guestbooks, on Facebook or private mail.


  1. I think - at least 1 week - or working hours 168 hours! I'm a writer and I know how long it takes to edit etc, but it would take so much longer with the technical imput, and uploads etc to your website.....( I do my own website - & this doesn't involve translation!) Mind you, this answer is only guesswork on my part! LOL! So my answer is 168 working hours... Wendy Laing

  2. Not that I don't like a copy of the magazine with that beautiful cover, I don't want to come up with a number. It's enough work adding effects and captions for my own photos, so it's a headache even to think of all the steps you took to complete a project. I do know it's like an hourglass, once you're done with it, you flip and start alllll over again, never rest! Thanks for the continuous great work!

  3. Congratulations to Margaret Brent from the U.K., who won the little contest. Please send us your home address and we'll send you the magazine.

    Ruud and Ineke

  4. Moira Darroch (Gold Member)30 December, 2011

    Hi Sue - hope you had a lovely Christmas with plenty of Andre's music and may I wish you a very Happy and Healthy 2012.

    Would you be able to please let me know how I can obtain a copy of the new magazine? I don't see anything in the WebShop.

    Many thanks

    Kind regards

  5. Moira

    The following link will take you to Andre's webshop and the magazine,then follow the normal format for ordering. The link is:

    Hope this helps.
    Happy New year.

  6. Moira Darroch31 December, 2011

    Hi John - got it! Many thanks. Have just ordered a copy of the magazine (and yet another DVD while I was there!). A very Happy, Healthy and Music-filled New Year to you and all.

    Moira x
