Feb 7, 2012

Miniatures of André in His Castle by Inge

Here are some photos that Inge Cossette sent us of the wonderful "Miniatures" that she makes. These are of André's rooms in his Castle. You may remember seeing them featured in the Video that Ruud and Ineke posted on their Website from 2004 with André. ►You can also Click Here to see the video on Youtube.
Thank you to Inge for sending us her photos ... CLICK HERE To See All Inge's Photos ...


  1. WHOW WHOW!! The castle is a LOT more work and detailed than my Little Andre Room. How fun! And Andre still looks so young :)

  2. The detail in these just amaze me!! Beautiful work Inge ... I can only imagine how time consuming it must be to finish a complete room!

  3. Congratulations Inge, what a beautiful job you have done! You should be proud of your special talent!
    Jennifer D.
