Feb 7, 2012

Limburger: André Rieu Concerts

De Limburger, Maastricht: Orchestra leader André Rieu has also canceled his concerts for the coming week. He is currently battling a powerful flu and viral infection, but should return on stage after Carnival (Mardi Gras). His performances in Bremen, Munich and Mannheim in Germany as well as Odense and Copenhagen in Denmark have been scrapped. Up until now about ten performances have been canceled. Spokesperson for Rieu, Kerstin Cornelis said, "Plenty of rest is now most important. It would be risky to be performing on stage too soon, you run the chance of receiving a triple dose in return. Making music is a top sport, that is something we do not undervalue."

Rieu also had to cancel concerts in 2010 due to illness. Due to a viral infection on his equilibrium he was forced to cancel concerts in England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. These caused the Maastricht Orchestra leader financial difficulties. That will not happen this time, according to Cornelis. "The concerts will be rescheduled and new dates will be published. The fan tickets will remain valid."

Thanks to John for Translating this for us.


  1. Please, dear Andre! take care of yourself!
    Nathalie Lamont

  2. Andre-
    I am praying for a speedy recovery for you. God bless you and your family.


  3. Andre please put yourself first for once and take time to fully recover. Concerts can be rearranged
    the fans fully understand and only
    want you well.I have just recovered from identical symptoms it took six weeks, it is nasty.

    Best Wishes

  4. I think Andre is exhausted, all these concerts and running the world over is catching up to him. He is getting older 63 in October and maybe he just needs to slow down and take more time for himself, after all we do want to keep him healthy for a long time to come. This is just my opinion.
