Feb 10, 2012

Management Denies Rieu's Balance Disorder

Management Denies Rieu's Balance Disorder
Update The Limburger Friday Feb. 10: André Rieu's management denies that he is suffering from a balance disorder. The management also denies the statements which Pierre Rieu allegedly made in the newspaper "Algemeen Dagblad". This newspaper reported Friday morning that André Rieu, just like a year ago is again suffering from a balance disorder and dizziness. In this paper Pierre Rieu was quoted as saying that, on the advice of André's physician he is required to take plenty of rest and medication." Especially since André is bed ridden and the entire room is continuously spinning around him." It was also stated that Pierre had said that the Limburg King of the Waltz did not suffer exactly from the same problem as a year ago.

Pierre, according to "Algemeen Dagblad": 'The question immediately arose as to whether it was the same problem with his balance organs as in 2010. That appeared not to be true at all. André does have a viral infection, but not in his equilibrium. However, this has become a weak spot in his body. Whenever he becomes ill, that could affect him again." (Thank you to John for this)

Rieu Suffers Again From Balance Disorder 
Algemeen Dagblad: Violin Virtuoso André Rieu (62) has currently not only suffered from a stubborn flu, but also a virus infection. According to his youngest son Pierre, the Viennese Waltz specialist also suffers from mysterious balance disorder and dizziness, which he had been ill for at least two months at the end of 2010. "At his doctor's advice my father has to take rest and medication. He lies mainly on the bed and the room rotates continuously in a strange way around him," said Pierre. 
Although the disease symptoms for which Rieu had to cancel concerts in Germany and Denmark, are not quite the same as a year ago. Pierre said, "Immediately we thought whether it would be the same disorder in his balanceorgans as in 2010, but hat was not quiteso. André suffers from a viral infection, but not in his equilibrium organs. However, they remain a weak spot in his body. Being sick, they can arise again. For now it is not possible for André to perform on stage. Son Pierre: "We want it 100% sure that nothing goes wrong on the stage. Looking at the situation right now, there is a chance that my father will lose his balance and could falland hurt himself. That's not an option for him and his audience. At the earliest ... Rieu will start to perform Saturday next week. Cancelled concerts will be rescheduled and tickets remain valid.

Our thanks to John for his Translations!

André Rieu Suffers Again From Balance Disorders

Violin Virtuoso AR (62) has currently not only suffered from a stubborn flu but also a virus infection.
According to his youngest son Pierre, the Viennese Waltz specialist also suffers from mysterious balance
disorder and dizziness, which he had been ill for at least two months at the end of 2010. "At his doctor's
advice my father has to take rest and medication. He lies mainly on the bed and the room rotates continuously
in a strange way around him," said Pierre.
Although the disease symptoms for which Rieu had to cancel concerts in Germany and Denmark, are not quite
the same as a year ago. Pierre said, "Immediately we thought whether it would be the same disorder in his balance
organs as in 2010, but hat was not quite so. André suffers from a viral infection, but not in his equilibrium organs.
However, they remain a weak spot in his body. Being sick, they can arise again. For now it is not possible for
André to perform on stage. Son Pierre: "We want it 100% sure that nothing goes wrong on the stage. Looking at
the situation right now, there is a chance that my father will lose his balance and could fall and hurt himself.
That's not an option for him and his audience. At the earliest ... Rieu will start to perform Saturday next week.
Cancelled concerts will be rescheduled and tickets remain valid.


  1. It's amazing how the media misinterprets and misrepresents things, and it is even worse in this internet age. However, it does sound as if Andre is ill, and I certainly wish him and his family all the best. His beautiful music brings so much happiness to so many around the world, I'm sure we all hope he will regain the best of health very soon! Best wishes to all- Jennifer D.

  2. Avant tout meilleurs voeux de guérison totale pour André RIEU l"enchanteur

  3. what to believe...
    just get well.

  4. I agree with you Kay .. 'just get well' says it all.
    Regardless of the speculation of what Andre is dealing with we just want him to feel 100% again... please.

  5. Sorry, forgot my name re the above post :/

    Dee in Perth

  6. But it may well be associated, we all know that the flu can affect the sinus area, and of course ears and balance are all interconnected, I don't think Pierre would have told a 'Porky' do you? it may not be as bad as the last viral infection, but enough to lay him low, of course we all wish him well, and a speedy recovery, maybe, he should restrict some of the touring over the next 12 months to just Europe, and then only say Wednesday through to Saturday, then rest, I know this idea does / would not help those International fans, but in the long run it may work out for the best? mind you even that would be very tiring!

  7. Thank you John for keeping up informed about Andre's illiness and progress. This is only site I can find anything out about how he is doing. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.

  8. G.M. Bourret11 February, 2012

    Wishing Andre and any JSO members with similar Flu/virus ailment a full recovery. Wondering if this Flu and balance disorder has any connection to Neuro Flu just reported on USA News-very nasty stuff. Also checked and found that
    Swine Flu shots in recent years have caused people neurological problems. Makes me think twice about getting Flu shots though government sources recommend it.

  9. Margery hamill13 February, 2012

    Dear Andre, please don,t worry about cancellations, your fans would much rather see you back on the road to good health, you are needing to cut down your hectic schedule, and give your body a chance to rest
    Everyone misses you of course, but your health comes first!
    Good luck, good health , love and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
    Margery hamill

  10. As it turned out, regardless of Rieu denials ... André DID have his balance problems back.:/
